Help identify mystery ride...
(too old to reply)
2018-11-03 20:12:54 UTC
I'm searching for info/photos/video of an unusual ride from recent history, but many years ago.
I've been here on RRC off & on for many years & don't remember if I learned about this ride here or elsewhere. Many years ago there was a rocket-shaped ride suspended on a very long cable (possibly a hundred or more feet off the ground, powered by a propeller. I think it took a single rider who either say in a seat or straddled the rocket-shaped vehicle. Ride was located south of Ft. Worth in Burleson, I believe.
My description of this ride may be a little off, but I did see video of it years ago.
My online searched for this ride have not been successful, so if there's anyone here who might know about this ride and do me the favor of linking me to any info on it I would greatly appreciate it. Pictures and/or video would be superb.
In the meantime, I'll keep searching, too & let ya'll know if I find anything.

Thank you kindly,

2018-11-03 20:25:22 UTC
Replying to myself...Interesting I found it right after posting the query.
"Fly By Wire" was in New Zealand and Burleson, TX around 2006. Apparently lasted 2 years. I found a photo of the vehicle (awesome!) but still searching for video and more photos.
2018-11-04 02:24:08 UTC
Repkying to self again to let all know I found a few videos on YouTube of Fly By Wire. Awesome looking ride, which I'd love to do but seems no more presently exist.
Thanks for bearing with the off topic post.
Man, this place has really died compared to 10+ years ago!
2018-11-04 05:03:41 UTC
Don’t recall seeing or hearing about this ride.

And it is a shame that rrc has become what it is. This used to be the only place for roller coaster discussion because it had everybody! Now fans are so spread out between different boards and social media platforms. Better when we were all in one place together sharing our info. If you had posted this years ago, you would’ve had lot of responses nearly instantly.
2018-11-04 17:51:13 UTC
I remember years ago, maybe around 2000 or so, a TV show called 'Real TV' did a story about the NZ one. It showed it starting like a sky coaster where you got pulled up backwards and dropped head first before you took over the controls. Had no idea there was ever one in the US

Here is a youtube link-
