2020-10-07 20:22:37 UTC
Noticed some discussion of RRC lately on Facebook. Anyone have any good ideas on how to help revitalize and get more readership on RRC. IMHO RRC is still a very valuable resource, and still in some cases better than any webpage or social media group.
I also noticed that only other Usenet newsgroup that I still read now has an accompanying Facebook group, that group is rec.arts.disney.parks. While I'ver never been too active on there, it is a very close-nit and longtime group that is still active and has gatherings as well. Do you think maybe someone should create a Rec.Roller-Coaster Facebook group to coincide with this group? Do you think that this group still has great value and do you have any ideas on how to attract former and new readers back to RRC?
Any other ideas and suggestions. After spending a lot of time on social media, mostly Facebook, the last 6 months during COVID I find myself increasingly frustrated and dismayed by the platform and the groups on it and would love nothing more than to see a resurgence of RRC.
Also, maybe we should post an update FAQ for the group, I know someone has a copy or we could retrieve it from old posts, update it, and repost it. Is there an official place where such a thing is kept?
I also noticed that only other Usenet newsgroup that I still read now has an accompanying Facebook group, that group is rec.arts.disney.parks. While I'ver never been too active on there, it is a very close-nit and longtime group that is still active and has gatherings as well. Do you think maybe someone should create a Rec.Roller-Coaster Facebook group to coincide with this group? Do you think that this group still has great value and do you have any ideas on how to attract former and new readers back to RRC?
Any other ideas and suggestions. After spending a lot of time on social media, mostly Facebook, the last 6 months during COVID I find myself increasingly frustrated and dismayed by the platform and the groups on it and would love nothing more than to see a resurgence of RRC.
Also, maybe we should post an update FAQ for the group, I know someone has a copy or we could retrieve it from old posts, update it, and repost it. Is there an official place where such a thing is kept?