Also it´s sad to see only one person responded so far about this
Jumping in very late to say... that´s partly due to the fact that my life
has been in a chaotic state for a while that has kept me away from many of my
usual online haunts. Had I been here I would have said something for sure.
I´ve been fairly active in various Conneaut Lake Park related Facebook
groups and have spent my ranting energy there. I don´t know if I have the
energy for much more of it but I´ll just say that watching CLP get stripped
under the completely disingenuous guise of "renovation" has been really
painful to me as someone with strong emotional ties to the park.
I will just note that CLP´s carousel has been there since 1905, which is a
really rare phenomenon. The only other classic carousel I can think of that
has been in its original location its whole existence is DelGrosso´s, which
is significantly newer (1924). Yes, I know (most of) the figures have been
replaced, but the carousel itself is original to the park. I am in the
minority here but I think losing the carousel is worse than losing the Blue
Streak, although I might have to rate the hacking up of the Tumble Bug for
scrap as the very worst of the three losses.
Heather, the Carousel Rabbit