Been following,
Buyer a was fun spot, not interested in the park but maybe bought rides.
Buyer b. This is an interesting one. Supposedly a guy who runs go kart track in pigeon forge has been trying. A Facebook profile called slick tracks popped (sams name as interested party). Since the page looked fake, was pressed to provide more information on current operations. Stonewalled and basically said I’m under an NDA with apex and can’t talk about it and I have nothing to prove to you. Supposedly also has a 40 million go kart complex waiting on state approval in Muncie Indiana. I call bs on this buyer.
Buyer c was a guy named Tim morrow. He supposedly owned a diesel shop but no Facebook page could be found. His whole post seemed like a pipe dream. Plus someone did some investigating and found there was a diesel shop with the name he said was his, they found a ln eviction case where the person never paid rent.
Honestly, fun spot was the best shot of announced people with interest in parts or the park. If apex has to tear down improvements at the park (rides, buildings, etc), they will spend hundreds of thousands if not millions to do so, especially if the suspension bridge has to go. That will bankrupt them. I only hope if the park doesn’t reopen wholly as a park, maybe the county can buy the land and what is left and make it a public park with what is left leased out. Like a beachside boardwalk. Maybe even find an operator for the three wooden coasters. Maybe there is a buyer laying in wait. I don’t know at this point.