2014-07-30 23:44:28 UTC
The Chance Zipper,one of my favorite flat rides.When run properly it can
be one of the most dizzying of the spin & pukes.One thing ive always wondered
is why Chance recommends no single riders.As long as i can remember i have
never come across a Zipper that would alow a single rider.The ride has
absolutly no lateral forces so i don't see what the problem would be.And
frankly after visiting their website i don't think i want to ride it with 2
adults in it as the per tub weight was max at 350lbs.So me at 200lbs,i would
be wary of rideing with another person over 150! Let me ride the ZIPPER alone
since most of my wuss friends won't ride it anyway.
Lee S
It's to isolate and alienate singles from society. It is allready illegal in Illinois for any person to enter a carnival single and for anyone 18 or older to go on carnival rides (punishable by up to 55 years imprisonment); Congress could soon make it a Federal Felony punishable by 90 years to life!be one of the most dizzying of the spin & pukes.One thing ive always wondered
is why Chance recommends no single riders.As long as i can remember i have
never come across a Zipper that would alow a single rider.The ride has
absolutly no lateral forces so i don't see what the problem would be.And
frankly after visiting their website i don't think i want to ride it with 2
adults in it as the per tub weight was max at 350lbs.So me at 200lbs,i would
be wary of rideing with another person over 150! Let me ride the ZIPPER alone
since most of my wuss friends won't ride it anyway.
Lee S