Chance Zipper and no single riders
(too old to reply)
2014-07-30 23:44:28 UTC
The Chance Zipper,one of my favorite flat rides.When run properly it can
be one of the most dizzying of the spin & pukes.One thing ive always wondered
is why Chance recommends no single riders.As long as i can remember i have
never come across a Zipper that would alow a single rider.The ride has
absolutly no lateral forces so i don't see what the problem would be.And
frankly after visiting their website i don't think i want to ride it with 2
adults in it as the per tub weight was max at 350lbs.So me at 200lbs,i would
be wary of rideing with another person over 150! Let me ride the ZIPPER alone
since most of my wuss friends won't ride it anyway.
Lee S
It's to isolate and alienate singles from society. It is allready illegal in Illinois for any person to enter a carnival single and for anyone 18 or older to go on carnival rides (punishable by up to 55 years imprisonment); Congress could soon make it a Federal Felony punishable by 90 years to life!
2018-09-18 02:18:58 UTC
The Chance Zipper,one of my favorite flat rides.When run properly it can
be one of the most dizzying of the spin & pukes.One thing ive always wondered
is why Chance recommends no single riders.As long as i can remember i have
never come across a Zipper that would alow a single rider.The ride has
absolutly no lateral forces so i don't see what the problem would be.And
frankly after visiting their website i don't think i want to ride it with 2
adults in it as the per tub weight was max at 350lbs.So me at 200lbs,i would
be wary of rideing with another person over 150! Let me ride the ZIPPER alone
since most of my wuss friends won't ride it anyway.
Lee S
Does anyone know why the enterprise ride suddenly doesn't allow single riders? I have personally been on the enterprise more than once as a single rider but now its not allowed. I am talking about the enterprise by Huss. Because this is one of my favorite rides I stopped buying ride wristbands and tickets for the venues that have an enterprise now. They make no effort to pair up single riders either they just throw you out of the line.
2018-09-18 15:29:08 UTC
Enterprise I another ride I wouldn’t want to ride with a stranger. Is Fun Spot America’s a Huss? The last time I rode it (within the past two years) they allowed singles.
2018-09-20 02:22:42 UTC
Is Fun Spot America’s a Huss?

No, the one at FSA (moved from SFOG) is the Schwarzkopf models. The HUSS model is better IMO.
2018-09-19 02:08:23 UTC
SaraAB87 asked: "Does anyone know why the enterprise ride suddenly doesn't allow single riders? I have personally been on the
enterprise more than once as a single rider but now its not allowed. I am talking about the enterprise by Huss. Because this is one
of my favorite rides I stopped buying ride wristbands and tickets for the venues that have an enterprise now. They make no effort to
pair up single riders either they just throw you out of the line. "


Nuff said.

Balance issues my ASS.(statement aimed at operators)
2018-09-22 04:06:35 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
SaraAB87 asked: "Does anyone know why the enterprise ride suddenly doesn't allow single riders? I have personally been on the
enterprise more than once as a single rider but now its not allowed. I am talking about the enterprise by Huss. Because this is one
of my favorite rides I stopped buying ride wristbands and tickets for the venues that have an enterprise now. They make no effort to
pair up single riders either they just throw you out of the line. "
Nuff said.
Balance issues my ASS.(statement aimed at operators)
I have done it with strangers, but thankfully it was a stranger of the same gender as me and the person was not heavy. The person was very happy to have someone else to ride with. I am, um pretty sure I am heavy enough to ride it on my own.

Both Wade shows and Strates no longer allow singles on the enterprise, its a huge disappointment. I have stopped supporting these companies. The issue with Strates is the employees don't even speak english so they just throw you out of line, its really rude of them. Both of these fairs have POP too. Its kind of pointless anyways as the last 2 times I witnessed the Strates enterprise (2 years in a row) it was set up and not even operating....

Did huss issue a service bulletin, official safety bulletin or something about this? Or is this purely a $$$ thing as you say.

Again I have ridden the strates enterprise as a single rider, I want to know if there was a service bulletin or some other official method of making it somehow wrong to ride the same ride I had previously ridden. I also want to know if something perhaps changed with the ride that would again, make it unable to take a single adult who is slightly over 200lbs... Because honestly this is extremely disappointing to me. There is simply no other way I can get another person I know to ride with me.
Dave Althoff, Jr.
2019-01-15 04:11:17 UTC
SaraAB87 <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
: Both Wade shows and Strates no longer allow singles on the enterprise,
: its a huge disappointment. I have stopped supporting these companies. The
: issue with Strates is the employees don't even speak english so they just
: throw you out of line, its really rude of them. Both of these fairs have
: POP too. Its kind of pointless anyways as the last 2 times I witnessed
: the Strates enterprise (2 years in a row) it was set up and not even
: operating....
: Did huss issue a service bulletin, official safety bulletin or something
: about this? Or is this purely a $$$ thing as you say.

I'm not aware of any such bulletin or notification.

I AM aware that on its last day of operation, I did in fact ride Cedar
Point's Enterprise as a solo rider. It's also worth noting that I did
witness that ride operating in a seroiusly unbalanced fashion on multiple
occasions. It seems the hardware really doesn't care that much; the
hydraulic drive is quite overpowered, just as you would expect from a
classic Huss ride.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
/X\ _ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____
NEW! When emailing this account, include the 'canonical magic word' in
the body of your message for a quicker response.
2020-03-14 16:30:40 UTC
There are rumors of a ride operator at a festival in Fort Myers smashing a single rider in the face, breaking his nose and hurling him backwards. In another incident, a ride operator threatened a single rider at gunpoint.

Clearly, if you are single and not popular and don't fit in, America will spew you from her beak.
2020-03-14 20:30:00 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Clearly, if you are single and not popular and don't fit in, America will spew
you from her beak.
What if the causes of that are not your own(oxygen-deprived during birth,
grew up in alcoholic/drug abusive household, parents at each others'
necks, ashtrays flying at three in the morning, other such pleasantries..!)?
John Doe
2022-09-04 05:54:50 UTC
Post by Dave Althoff, Jr.
: Both Wade shows and Strates no longer allow singles on the enterprise,
: its a huge disappointment. I have stopped supporting these companies. The
: issue with Strates is the employees don't even speak english so they just
: throw you out of line, its really rude of them. Both of these fairs have
: POP too. Its kind of pointless anyways as the last 2 times I witnessed
: the Strates enterprise (2 years in a row) it was set up and not even
: operating....
: Did huss issue a service bulletin, official safety bulletin or something
: about this? Or is this purely a $$$ thing as you say.
I'm not aware of any such bulletin or notification.
I AM aware that on its last day of operation, I did in fact ride Cedar
Point's Enterprise as a solo rider. It's also worth noting that I did
witness that ride operating in a seroiusly unbalanced fashion on multiple
occasions. It seems the hardware really doesn't care that much; the
hydraulic drive is quite overpowered, just as you would expect from a
classic Huss ride.
--Dave Althoff, Jr.
/X\ _ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
The extreme vast majority of single riders that want to ride single on the Zipper or any carnival ride don't have a choice but to ride alone. American culture is toxic, disconnected, and overflowing with default hate of all strangers. Americans don't get along with each other anymore. The entire social atmosphere is confined in closed cliques. Joining in is illegal and will get a person arrested and thrown in prison. "No Single Riders" is in fact designed to keep them completely off. It's the carnival's way of saying; "You're alone! Go back to your mom's basement, or we will put you in your place!"
2018-09-22 06:33:26 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
SaraAB87 asked: "Does anyone know why the enterprise ride suddenly doesn't allow single riders? I have personally been on the
enterprise more than once as a single rider but now its not allowed. I am talking about the enterprise by Huss. Because this is one
of my favorite rides I stopped buying ride wristbands and tickets for the venues that have an enterprise now. They make no effort to
pair up single riders either they just throw you out of the line. "
Nuff said.
Balance issues my ASS.(statement aimed at operators)
In America, you have no friends and you are labeled a loser who is essentially worthy of immediate death. Americans see that you are lonely and have no friends, and they basically look at you like you belong in the electric chair, no questions asked. America's philosophy towards single/lonely people and single riders is the exact same as with homeless beggars; Out of sight and out of mind.
2018-09-22 19:05:54 UTC
When my family (my 3 adult children, daughter-in-law, and myself) goes to an amusement park together we have an odd number so someone always has to ride alone. We take turns riding with each other, but someone is always a single rider. It doesn’t feel too weird if you are waiting in line as a group of five and one person is by themselves.

However, sometimes I go by myself to a park and ride all day as a single rider. It is a totally different feeling. People look at me like, “What is wrong with you that you don’t have any friends??”

I have a Cedar Point platinum pass so I often go there and other Cedar Fair parks by myself.

Often I have been able to make a child happy if I see a parent hesitating by a roller coaster that the child wants to ride but the parent doesn’t, but also doesn’t want the child to ride alone. I introduce myself, say I am a single rider today because the rest of my family couldn’t come, and offer to ride with their child.

I really like Coastermania and other coaster club events because there are lots of single riders and everyone is friendly and happy to chat while in line.
2018-09-23 02:08:51 UTC
In America, people especially see a guy all by himself and they think; "Ah ha! Rapist! Sex predator! Serial killer! Pedophile! Terrorist! He's escaped from prison! He's profiled on America's Most Wanted! Flee from him! He's a ticking time bomb! Where there's smoke, there's fire!". And it is no wonder guys especially that have no friends and therefore no choice but to go out alone are given a wide berth like he's even got a gun and/or is even wanted for quadruple capital murder.

America is a cruel country. And the only way to escape it is to get out of America.
2018-09-23 02:16:57 UTC
And Chance Rides Inc. is literally the devil. Satan himself is their god. Chance Rides literally has declared war on single people and people without friends. Their mission is to break down and destroy people without friends until they even kill themselves, until only large cliques and families are left. And it is only a matter of time before Chance Rides Inc even orders all carnivals guarded by armed military personnell and even use of maximum lethal force on all single persons or persons without friends/not part of a family or clique of even minimum 6 or more people. Another possibility is that Chance Rides Inc could even order all ride operators armed and ordered to shoot any single rider spotted in line.
2018-09-25 20:00:11 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Post by t***@gmail.com
SaraAB87 asked: "Does anyone know why the enterprise ride suddenly doesn't allow single riders? I have personally been on the
enterprise more than once as a single rider but now its not allowed. I am talking about the enterprise by Huss. Because this is one
of my favorite rides I stopped buying ride wristbands and tickets for the venues that have an enterprise now. They make no effort to
pair up single riders either they just throw you out of the line. "
Nuff said.
Balance issues my ASS.(statement aimed at operators)
In America, you have no friends and you are labeled a loser who is essentially worthy of immediate death. Americans see that you are lonely and have no friends, and they basically look at you like you belong in the electric chair, no questions asked. America's philosophy towards single/lonely people and single riders is the exact same as with homeless beggars; Out of sight and out of mind.
I understand, but its possible to have friends who just don't like amusement rides. Its not a hobby for everyone, and not everyone likes rides. Going to an amusement park to not ride the rides is an expensive venture for a non-rider, especially in my area. Just because I have friends who do not like rides doesn't mean I should force them to ride rides or come with me to a park.
2018-09-27 20:28:13 UTC

I'm in a similar boat. At least my wife will
entertain non-looping steel, and an
occasional wooden ride, but none of
my male friends are into coasters. One
says that you shouldn't be going to
amusement parks once you reach 21
in the first place. The others don't even
want to try. Plus I'm in Connecticut,
which, despite being home to one of the
top ten wooden coasters of all time, does
not furnish many of the park's riders.
2018-09-28 01:31:55 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
I'm in a similar boat. At least my wife will
entertain non-looping steel, and an
occasional wooden ride, but none of
my male friends are into coasters. One
says that you shouldn't be going to
amusement parks once you reach 21
in the first place. The others don't even
want to try. Plus I'm in Connecticut,
which, despite being home to one of the
top ten wooden coasters of all time, does
not furnish many of the park's riders.
Wow. I am pretty sure lots of people over 21 go to amusement parks... I am in NY state and we basically have 2 crappy parks where I live that don't offer much and of course charge a lot of money to get in and now charges $20 parking (since the SF buyout of Darien Lake costs to go there are going up significantly). Traveling is out of the question to get to better parks. A lot of people I know probably simply don't have the money for this, and I can't really put the burden on them to go if they cannot afford it, moreover if they don't like it that is another reason not to go.

No one has really ever questioned me as an adult, thankfully, I am a female, and despite my age, well I kinda look like I am 20, so that is probably why. I do feel men kinda get a bad rep for being on the midway alone for no reason. We did have an incident in my area with a pedo who molested a girl on a ride a couple years ago so I would expect the fear in my area to be super high. However being the only adult on a carnival midway is awkward and I have stopped going to those as paying $5-6 per ride for stuff I have already been on like a million times is not at all appealing. Apparently everyone else feels the same as carnivals in my area are mostly dead and in very few of them these days so its not a worry anymore.
John Doe
2022-08-13 05:41:14 UTC
The Chance Zipper,one of my favorite flat rides.When run properly it
be one of the most dizzying of the spin & pukes.One thing ive always
is why Chance recommends no single riders.As long as i can remember i have
never come across a Zipper that would alow a single rider.The ride has
absolutly no lateral forces so i don't see what the problem would be.And
frankly after visiting their website i don't think i want to ride it with
adults in it as the per tub weight was max at 350lbs.So me at 200lbs,i
be wary of rideing with another person over 150! Let me ride the ZIPPER
since most of my wuss friends won't ride it anyway.
loses consciousness and slumps, they can slide sideways and out of the
restraint, leaving them unrestrained in the squirrel cage. That could be
<0 0>
I personally have ridden as a single rider before on the Zipper (it was around 2008 when every single Zipper nationwide began enforcing No Single Riders like military/homeland security law) and can testify from personal experience that a person even 60 inches or taller can never turn sideways inside the gondola and slip out from under the lap bar. Now I am roughly 74 inches tall. The lap bar is tight against your waist, plus the inside shape of the gondola and the makeup of the human skeleton, you can't ever turn sideways inside the gondola and slip out from the lap bar. Plus you are completely enclosed in a steel cage. You're safer riding solo on the Zipper than you are riding even paired up on the Himalaya.
John Doe
2022-08-13 05:49:31 UTC
The Chance Zipper,one of my favorite flat rides.When run properly it
be one of the most dizzying of the spin & pukes.One thing ive always
is why Chance recommends no single riders.As long as i can remember i have
never come across a Zipper that would alow a single rider.The ride has
absolutly no lateral forces so i don't see what the problem would be.And
frankly after visiting their website i don't think i want to ride it with
adults in it as the per tub weight was max at 350lbs.So me at 200lbs,i
be wary of rideing with another person over 150! Let me ride the ZIPPER
since most of my wuss friends won't ride it anyway.
loses consciousness and slumps, they can slide sideways and out of the
restraint, leaving them unrestrained in the squirrel cage. That could be
<0 0>
I personally have ridden as a single rider on the Zipper (it was around 2008 when every single Zipper began enforcing No Single Riders like military/FBI law) and can testify from personal experience that a single rider even 60 inches or taller can never turn sideways inside the gondola and slip out from the lap bar. Now I am roughly 74 inches tall. The lap bar is very tight against your abdomen, plus you have the shape of the inside of the gondola, the makeup of the human skeleton, and the fact that you're enclosed on all sides by steel mesh; you can't ever turn sideways and slip out of the lap bar riding single on the Zipper. You're safer riding single on the Zipper than you are riding even paired up on the Himalaya.