Deaths on Roller Coasters
(too old to reply)
2014-08-28 22:45:03 UTC
A good friend of mine managed the T-Bolt for a season after working the winter in maintenance.
The story of the 1968 death was told to me that he was a single rider, changing seats mid-ride and was thrown into the Turtle area. It was a fatality. Also a similar incident occurred later that year, same thing, changing seats, but he landed on the roof of the THUNDERBOLT and was not seriously injured.
Ever notice that hard "bump" when the Thunderbolt enters the station? It used to be smooth as glass, but one evening in 1984, the T-Bolt team took a train off and did not reset the switch. The train went onto the side rail (relatively slowly) and hit the rear of the train on that area, pushing the train into the one infront of it. I know this is true because I was in the front seat that run. The look on the young lady's face when she realized we were going to go right instead of straight was priceless. I bruised my knee but hey.....WOW!
Frank Czuri
2014-08-29 12:41:18 UTC

Whats with the recent spate of Necros around here? This thread is 18 YEARS old!
2019-04-02 10:02:25 UTC
If all one can contribute to a thread is a comment about
how "old" it is, then they should keep that to themself.

Roller coasters and airliners have two of the lowest
death rates of any activity out there.
2019-04-02 12:45:26 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
If all one can contribute to a thread is a comment about
how "old" it is, then they should keep that to themself.
What an obnoxious thing to say. It was a perfectly reasonable comment.
2019-04-02 17:08:09 UTC
milst1 wrote: "What an obnoxious thing to say. It was a perfectly reasonable comment. "

A "perfectly reasonable" comment contributes something actually
POSITIVE or helpful to the thread or conversation - be it started
last week, last decade, or last century.
2019-04-02 21:53:43 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
milst1 wrote: "What an obnoxious thing to say. It was a perfectly reasonable comment. "
A "perfectly reasonable" comment contributes something actually
POSITIVE or helpful to the thread or conversation
You are not the moderator. There is no moderator here, although you're
obviously too retarded to understand that. You don’t make the rules; there
are no rules. You are just an obnoxious whining dumb-fuck. HTH. LB. FCKWAFA!
2019-04-21 18:35:39 UTC
Just calling him out for being an asshole and saying an asshole thing. As you say, my right.
2019-06-20 15:37:16 UTC
2015-07-29 13:21:04 UTC
I'm not sure of the date, but someone was working on the Sooperdooperlooper loop and they were testing it, as they were testing it, they were not aware of a man working on the loop. They started the ride, and the car hit the man and killed him.
2015-07-30 15:19:46 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
I'm not sure of the date, but someone was working on the Sooperdooperlooper loop and they were testing it, as they were testing it, they were not aware of a man working on the loop. They started the ride, and the car hit the man and killed him.
That happened in the afternoon of August 25, 1977. The ride had been closed for several hours at the time. Reports indicate he was struck by the train not in the loop, but in the brakes behind the station.
2015-08-08 14:34:08 UTC
My friend David Setmire was killed on the Thunderbolt at Kennywood in 1968. My understanding has always been that the safety bar released & he was thrown from his seat - CBS Saturday morning just did a segment on this roller coaster & all I could think of was David.
2017-04-06 23:28:14 UTC
Post by t***@comcast.net
My friend David Setmire was killed on the Thunderbolt at Kennywood in 1968. My understanding has always been that the safety bar released & he was thrown from his seat - CBS Saturday morning just did a segment on this roller coaster & all I could think of was David.
David was my friend too! I believe you're correct that the safety bar released and he flew out one of the rear cars. We used to hang out at Oakford Park in the summers. I still think of him...
2018-05-28 14:52:22 UTC
I find it kind of funny, I’m on my way to kennywood today, it’s a family tradition to go on Memorial Day, and I started reading through these posts. It’s funny how people reference the steel phantom when 3 years after some of these posts it was removed. It’s like these threads are a time capsule. It’s crazy to think that these conversations and words were typed 22 years ago. Truly insane, makes me think.
2019-03-31 20:15:29 UTC
While reading the Roller Coaster Almanac, I found out about alot
of deaths on roller coasters that I never heard of before. I live
in PA, and only recently heard of sombody being thrown from the
SuperDooperLooper at Hersheypark. Somebody told me that it used
to have 6 loops in it, but it was remodeled after this fatal
accident. What is the real story on this? I also never heard of
somebody being thrown from Colossus. One thing that I didn't see
on the Almanac was when somebody died in 1968 on the brand new
Thunderbolt at Kennywood. Maybe I just overlooked it. Can anyone
give me the real story on the SuperDooperLooper and any of the
other coasters?
My name is Janet Rowe Henry. My pastor, at the time, Rev. Hurst was with David before he died. David told him that he was dared to stand up. He did as the Thunderbolt went around a curve. He flew out. He lived 3 hrs. after it happened.
2019-03-31 20:44:34 UTC
While reading the Roller Coaster Almanac, I found out about alot
of deaths on roller coasters that I never heard of before. I live
in PA, and only recently heard of sombody being thrown from the
SuperDooperLooper at Hersheypark. Somebody told me that it used
to have 6 loops in it, but it was remodeled after this fatal
accident. What is the real story on this? I also never heard of
somebody being thrown from Colossus. One thing that I didn't see
on the Almanac was when somebody died in 1968 on the brand new
Thunderbolt at Kennywood. Maybe I just overlooked it. Can anyone
give me the real story on the SuperDooperLooper and any of the
other coasters?
Hello, My name is Janet Rowe Henry. My pastor, at the time, Rev. Hurst, was with David before he died. It was Hempfield's School picnic. David told him he was dared to stand up. He did. As the Thunderbolt went around a curve David was thrown out. He lived 3 hrs.
2019-04-04 03:00:50 UTC
While reading the Roller Coaster Almanac, I found out about alot
of deaths on roller coasters that I never heard of before. I live
in PA, and only recently heard of sombody being thrown from the
SuperDooperLooper at Hersheypark. Somebody told me that it used
to have 6 loops in it, but it was remodeled after this fatal
accident. What is the real story on this? I also never heard of
somebody being thrown from Colossus. One thing that I didn't see
on the Almanac was when somebody died in 1968 on the brand new
Thunderbolt at Kennywood. Maybe I just overlooked it. Can anyone
give me the real story on the SuperDooperLooper and any of the
other coasters?
2020-03-18 04:15:52 UTC
While reading the Roller Coaster Almanac, I found out about alot
of deaths on roller coasters that I never heard of before. I live
in PA, and only recently heard of sombody being thrown from the
SuperDooperLooper at Hersheypark. Somebody told me that it used
to have 6 loops in it, but it was remodeled after this fatal
accident. What is the real story on this? I also never heard of
somebody being thrown from Colossus. One thing that I didn't see
on the Almanac was when somebody died in 1968 on the brand new
Thunderbolt at Kennywood. Maybe I just overlooked it. Can anyone
give me the real story on the SuperDooperLooper and any of the
other coasters?
I am a worker at Hersheypark and know someone who was there when that accident happened. A local High school vo-tech student was working maintenance in the station on the track. This was the first year of opening and rides tend to have bugs that need to be smoothed out their first year. for some reason the train entered the station while the kid was on the track. He got impaled and died instantly. My co worker said you could see the blood drip down the side of the station. It was a rough day that day because ten minutes later a drunk couple stood up on the original himalaya and were thrown from the ride, though they only suffered broken bones. as a result of this accident minors aren't allowed on maintenance anymore.
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