2019-07-25 16:13:50 UTC
Now that Hersheypark has announced a seemingly similar (to most guests) ride to SkyRush for next year, I wonder if SkyRush May be on the chopping block for the near future? SkyRush has always seemed too intense and out of place at that park. Now that the seemingly similar (but likely far less intense) Candymonium has been announced for a location fairly close in the park to SkyRush, I’d guess it’ll basically “replace” SkyRush in the near future. Think about it, their height is very close, top speed very close, and both are basically the same style of ride. Why build a so similar ride practically next to each other then? Sure, few enthusiasts are going to complain about having two hypers in the same park, and if their heights were drastically different, like at Carowinds or Canada’s Wonderland, I’d think probably both were going to stay, but they’re not. Anyone these thinking this?