2017-08-04 12:44:29 UTC
In the past SurfD or myself would post the Six Flags video where they announce all the rides at once. But this year they announced WWGLC early. It seems the other parks are joining in by setting a date and making a big announcement. Instead of making a thread for each ride, we can put them all in here.
Six Flags Fiesta Texas
A TEN Syllable name. That has to be a record. I guess I'm calling it WWGLC for now or Lasso Coaster.
I went back and looked at the 2017 announcement thread which is here.!searchin/rec.roller-coaster/2017$20announcement%7Csort:relevance/rec.roller-coaster/JlKXgYpNBQk/DuIG-rN9DwAJ
Back then we'd only post a thread for Six Flags. Now we can add all the parks and compare what each is getting. I do that on my attendance page comparing SF to CF and I've already started filling in the 2018 results.
In the past no one really cared about this. A park would make an announcement, people would read it, watch a video, and move on. But it's interesting to compare all the parks and track what they're doing. This is a good way of holding the parks accountable, especially comparing CF Vs SF.
What do I think of WWGLC? Good, I hope that's just the prototype and they don't clone this version everywhere. It's basically a double out and back, very short, more like a drop ride. Looks to have OTSRs in the video.
Six Flags Fiesta Texas
A TEN Syllable name. That has to be a record. I guess I'm calling it WWGLC for now or Lasso Coaster.
I went back and looked at the 2017 announcement thread which is here.!searchin/rec.roller-coaster/2017$20announcement%7Csort:relevance/rec.roller-coaster/JlKXgYpNBQk/DuIG-rN9DwAJ
Back then we'd only post a thread for Six Flags. Now we can add all the parks and compare what each is getting. I do that on my attendance page comparing SF to CF and I've already started filling in the 2018 results.
In the past no one really cared about this. A park would make an announcement, people would read it, watch a video, and move on. But it's interesting to compare all the parks and track what they're doing. This is a good way of holding the parks accountable, especially comparing CF Vs SF.
What do I think of WWGLC? Good, I hope that's just the prototype and they don't clone this version everywhere. It's basically a double out and back, very short, more like a drop ride. Looks to have OTSRs in the video.