Post by AnsleyI was surprised nobody on here reported the death on the drop ride at ICON
Park in Orlando! Real tragedy, I hope that kid's family gets some closure and
gets a settlement from ICON park. Anyone know why this drop tower had no
backup seatbelts?
I came here partly to see if anyone was talking about this. I don´t really
know the answer to your question, but it seems like seatbelts are really a
"peace of mind" thing for riders more than a restraint on most rides.
I´ve been on a lot of wild-ass rides at the ol' county fair that operated
without backup seatbelts, but they also usually staple you in so good you
wouldn´t be able to get out if you tried. Seems like the real problem here
is the primary restraint system being counted as "closed" when it´s in
a very open position. But, I´m no ride safety expert, so my opinions on the
issue should be taken with a grain of salt.
Heather, the Carousel Rabbit