Long term effects of 2020 season
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2020-07-29 02:04:12 UTC
What’s everyone’s thoughts on the long term effects of the 2020 seasons being shorter or non existent? Think any parks will permanently close and not reopen in 2021? Can the industry bounce back from this economy and low attendance, and if so, how long would it take? A year? 5 years? I’m guessing big projects/new rides will be put on hold or cancelled for the next few years. Downsizing as well. “New” rides probably just rethemes. Under performing rides will probably close as well.
2020-07-29 11:56:24 UTC
I mean, we've already seen a number of parks holding their new for this year ride for next year as it is. I'm sure things that we're being planned for a 21 have now been pushed back and I'm guessing with chains like Cedar Fair and Six Flags we'll see little to no new investments until 23 or 24 at this point. 2021 will be a hold over and 22 maybe small things at key parks. When even the likes of Disney are delaying the opening of new attractions, it's gonna be rough.
As far as parks that might not make it.... I'd wonder about parks in PA/NY/NJ that already have short seasons and such... or parks already seeming to struggle. Conneaut Lake, Lakemont?, (Martin's) Fantasy Island (trying to reopen), Sylvan Beach.... I know Funtown in Maine already said if they can't open next year, it'll be over for them (they arent opening this year)
2020-07-29 20:31:16 UTC
I’m worried about Knoebels. That’s the one park a lot of us would be heartbroken if that closed.
2020-07-29 20:56:55 UTC
Do you think it will permanently close after this year? I feel like the lumber and camping business will help them stay afloat. Their attendance this year is super scary low though.
Tyler Eaves
2020-07-31 02:28:50 UTC
Post by s***@aol.com
Do you think it will permanently close after this year? I feel like the lumber and camping business will help them stay afloat. Their attendance this year is super scary low though.
I think the big saving grace for Knoebel's is that it's not valuable real estate. That's what kills a lot of parks, historically.

I would be a lot more worried about a park sitting on urban real estate. Something like Arnold's Park, say.
2020-07-31 11:39:10 UTC
We don't know when the pandemic will be over (may be *years*), but we also don't know who will be the President of the US with any certainty. If COVID is dealt with seriously like the folks in Japan or Germany approached it, maybe our country will be able to operate much more "regularly" next year and we'll have international tourism come back. Also might not happen, in which case all bets are off for everyone. The longer this drags on, the worse the permanent damage to the country is, and with that the likelihood of any park or theme park resort going out of business or never coming back online fully. That goes for everything, even Disney parks and hotels.
Heather Kendrick
2020-08-04 12:34:32 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
We don't know when the pandemic will be over (may be *years*), but we also
don't know who will be the President of the US with any certainty. If COVID
is dealt with seriously like the folks in Japan or Germany approached it,
maybe our country will be able to operate much more "regularly" next year and
we'll have international tourism come back.
I would love to think so. I’ll hold some hope in reserve.

I suspect the smallest, most marginal parks are at greatest risk of closing
due to having no rainy day reserves. My planned and cancelled coaster trip
this year included Sylvan Beach. I suspect they have a high likelihood of
being killed by this. It has already been a bad few years for small parks
even without the pandemic; my husband and I were discussing over the
offseason how it seems like there’s another extinction event for local
parks underway such as happened in the Great Depression and then again in the
70s or so.

The one that strikes especially close to my heart is Conneaut Lake Park. I
have a great personal fondness for that park and avidly followed the news
during their recent death-defying stunt. I hate losing any park, especially
any small or local park, but I’d mourn Conneaut Lake Park especially hard.
Heather, the Carousel Rabbit
2020-08-04 15:13:47 UTC
Sylvan Beach is definitely number one on the list of most likely to not make it through this... they were already struggling. I tried to make a return visit there last summer but ran out of time. (Over stayed at Seabreeze, not regrets)
2020-10-29 03:14:21 UTC
Supposedly Six Flags parks are cutting 15 underperforming rides chain wide. No further details given.

It doesn’t sound like parks in California or New York will be reopening anytime in the near future (New York parks would mostly be closed from around now through early spring anyway, but even early spring is starting to feel doubtful due to their strict restrictions). I feel like some of those are in the most danger of permanently closing if unable to reopen at all next year or even if they reopen with a very restrictive capacity. Victorian Gardens in New York has already permanently closed.
Richard Bannister
2020-10-29 08:52:20 UTC
Enchanted Forest is running a GoFundMe to try to stay afloat.

Details on https://www.enchantedforest.com/.

I make Retro Games for Mac when not riding coasters.
Try them out at www.retrogamesformac.com
2020-10-29 12:51:51 UTC
Post by Richard Bannister
Enchanted Forest is running a GoFundMe to try to stay afloat.
Details on https://www.enchantedforest.com/.
I make Retro Games for Mac when not riding coasters.
Try them out at www.retrogamesformac.com
I’ve heard that park is in bad shape considering they also had devastation from fires there.
2020-10-29 12:55:21 UTC
Adventureland in New York is promoting a “Wall Of Support” asking for donations to help keep the park afloat.


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