2019-02-09 03:29:19 UTC
Added it to the 2018 closures thread, but felt this one deserved its own as well.
I’m shocked this will be gone. Always thought this ride was really awesome. The first two launches before being shot out of the top of the volcano into an inversion is possibly the best start of any coaster I’ve ridden. Love that it had fire effects and was just unique in general. This ride also has the honor of the longest line I’ve ever waited in for a ride (although I did wait longer for a show once). Waited 3 1/2 hours to ride Volcano in September 1998 (2 train operation then 1 train operation then back to two train operation, might’ve been a 3 train operation mixed in as well, hard to remember). This was also when the trains all had only 8 seats. Still worth it though, back then!
I’m shocked this will be gone. Always thought this ride was really awesome. The first two launches before being shot out of the top of the volcano into an inversion is possibly the best start of any coaster I’ve ridden. Love that it had fire effects and was just unique in general. This ride also has the honor of the longest line I’ve ever waited in for a ride (although I did wait longer for a show once). Waited 3 1/2 hours to ride Volcano in September 1998 (2 train operation then 1 train operation then back to two train operation, might’ve been a 3 train operation mixed in as well, hard to remember). This was also when the trains all had only 8 seats. Still worth it though, back then!