Post by ***@aol.comLaser Kingdom of Farmingdale, New York has permanently closed (May have
happened in 2020, not sure)
Not actually a 2021 closing (I think it last operated in 2019) but Conneaut
Lake Park has announced that despite their earlier claims that they were
removing the Tumble Bug "for refurbishment" and that it would operate in
2022, which no one believed except for the surprisingly large number of
people determined to kiss the new owner´s ass on social media, it´s
actually been permanently removed. Their post about it on Facebook claims
"we really tried" and that they´re very very sorry.
Meanwhile, the dynamic in the comments has shifted thusly:
Skeptics: They´re obviously removing it permanently since they ripped out
the station and handrails and everything.
Suck-ups: Stop being so NEGATIVE! It will be back in 2022! The new owner is a
SAVIOR of this magnificent park and we should all be GRATEFUL that he´s
going to fix up the rides!
Suck-ups: THANK YOU so much to the new owner for trying so hard to save it!
Anyway they´ll replace it with new and better things. The rest of you
should shut up because it´s not YOUR property so you have no right to have
an opinion! And anyway it was unsafe! Or it was an eyesore/too noisy/made me
sick [etc. etc....]
Anyway, that leaves Kennywood´s the last standing, and we know Kennywood is
definitely 100% committed to preserving rare flat rides, so that should be
fine. Too bad they run it noticeably slower than CLP ran theirs.
Heather, the Carousel Rabbit