2014-03-01 04:28:04 UTC
Since people want to know...
I got banned on his group because I disagreed with a comment he made so he got ban happy and banned me!
I just think the guy is a class A jerk and on some kind of power trip and he needs to be knocked down a few notches. NOBODY needs his site to go to theme parks or plan trips with other folks, sorry Robb but if that's what you thin you are seriously in sick denial there buddy!
I was warned about you before I joined your site and blew off people who complained about you assuming that they must have done something pretty bad to be treated like shit by you but then after what you did to me...banning me simply because I disagreed with a comment you made about Six Flags America...well that just changed my opinion about you instantly!
For the record I'm not mad because I got banned, who the fuck cares really? His banning me has no impact on what I do in my life nor will it ever, he just likes to think that it will because of his excessive power trip that he constantly needs to feel important in his life...because every other aspect of his life sucks!
Rastus is my hero:) He calls bitches out on here and isn't afraid to do so. More people should be like him. Once the parks start to find out information about Robb they will be cutting him like a hot knife through butter...
I got banned on his group because I disagreed with a comment he made so he got ban happy and banned me!
I just think the guy is a class A jerk and on some kind of power trip and he needs to be knocked down a few notches. NOBODY needs his site to go to theme parks or plan trips with other folks, sorry Robb but if that's what you thin you are seriously in sick denial there buddy!
I was warned about you before I joined your site and blew off people who complained about you assuming that they must have done something pretty bad to be treated like shit by you but then after what you did to me...banning me simply because I disagreed with a comment you made about Six Flags America...well that just changed my opinion about you instantly!
For the record I'm not mad because I got banned, who the fuck cares really? His banning me has no impact on what I do in my life nor will it ever, he just likes to think that it will because of his excessive power trip that he constantly needs to feel important in his life...because every other aspect of his life sucks!
Rastus is my hero:) He calls bitches out on here and isn't afraid to do so. More people should be like him. Once the parks start to find out information about Robb they will be cutting him like a hot knife through butter...