My issue with Robb Alvey
(too old to reply)
2014-03-01 04:28:04 UTC
Since people want to know...

I got banned on his group because I disagreed with a comment he made so he got ban happy and banned me!

I just think the guy is a class A jerk and on some kind of power trip and he needs to be knocked down a few notches. NOBODY needs his site to go to theme parks or plan trips with other folks, sorry Robb but if that's what you thin you are seriously in sick denial there buddy!

I was warned about you before I joined your site and blew off people who complained about you assuming that they must have done something pretty bad to be treated like shit by you but then after what you did to me...banning me simply because I disagreed with a comment you made about Six Flags America...well that just changed my opinion about you instantly!

For the record I'm not mad because I got banned, who the fuck cares really? His banning me has no impact on what I do in my life nor will it ever, he just likes to think that it will because of his excessive power trip that he constantly needs to feel important in his life...because every other aspect of his life sucks!

Rastus is my hero:) He calls bitches out on here and isn't afraid to do so. More people should be like him. Once the parks start to find out information about Robb they will be cutting him like a hot knife through butter...
2014-03-01 12:11:13 UTC
Many of us here have been banned, and you're right, life goes on without TPR. It amazes me how he tries to control and dictate free speech and opinion. For example, when Skyrush was being built, he wouldn't let anyone call, suggest, or predict there was a stengal dive on the ride. He was convinced there wasn't until Intamin confirmed there was. Ops.

Rastus has been on this group for decades with many strong opinions. His candor is always appreciated, but he does have a tendency to go a bit over board imho.
2014-03-01 14:52:03 UTC
Post by Thom25
Rastus has been on this group for decades with many strong opinions. His candor is always appreciated, but he does have a tendency to go a bit over board imho.
Rastus' attempt at a face turn is one of the most hilarious things RRC has seen in many, many years.
2014-03-01 16:27:00 UTC
Post by GodsOnSafari
Rastus' attempt at a face turn is one of the most hilarious things RRC has seen in many, many years.
Come on, he's had three solid opinions on this topic over the years...totally consistent.

2014-03-01 19:20:26 UTC
I swear I wonder if Robb gives people discounts on club TPR just to come here and start drama so he can reply to fake drama.
Rastus O'Ginga
2014-03-01 19:48:15 UTC
Just to be clear on my Alvey history,

I hated him at first, when most of RRC loved him and Sarah. Even then, he was a good source of pictures, and they helped me immensely to plan trips.

I called him King Alvey probably 15 years ago., saying he was a pompous ass, and most of RRC attacked me for it. I also saw that on some video game forums, he was photoshopping pictures of his game collection he sold before moving one time. That showed he was not to be trusted.

Then, it was clear TPR was becoming an ACE killer, back when Escalante was using the A list to use the large ACE membership to gain himself, and all of his gay friends, pretty much ALL the media invites that ACE received. So, I was glad TPR existed. And met Robb a couple of times, and enjoyed it. I had one HeLL of a time with them at Ohana one year. And was even at his wedding prereception at Epcot, as where other now banned people.

I always liked Elissa, even though I called her Robb's mistress in the whole Sarah becomes Elissa debacle. I never knew Sarah, like most of RRC did, and Elissa shares my vicious sarcasm and general lack of patience with idiots. To this day I have no problem with her, except she obviously helps Robb build his empire, and I just don't get it. She has become much more a mom than a full time coaster person, which is a great thing, especially since we all know Robb's parenting skills.

For 5 years or so, Robb and I were what I would call Facebook friends. If I saw him at a park, I'd hang with him. Hell, less than 2 years ago I hung with him ay KD during his Bash, and still had a fun time. Especially watching the trouble makers on the trip.

Then he really just went off the deepend with power. His Facebook rants got WAY out of hand. He does control those some, probably because it caused him trouble with some parks. But he will still attack handicap folks, ban you because you like Pepsi, or dare to bad mouth Disney.

Everything now for him is gaining more power, and trying to make TPR into a big business. Honestly, if he were a genuinely nice guy, I would think he would be there already, would have the support of his PEERS, instead of alienating all of them. DISboards has a filter to remove any references to his site. Iff he had a working relationship with them instead, it sure wouldn't hurt him.

My guess is his business is floundering. Yeah, he did press for the S&S coaster, they must not read his FB or RRC. But he talks too much about meaningless numbers. This February was the best ever for his forums. However, he drove off a lot of big contributors of real content like me and Cheezy, yes Hamburger has even fallen out with him, and replace them all with teenagers saying "I'm so jealous". I don't see that driving revenue. But Youtube revenue per click has REALLY dropped now that anyone can be a partner. The number of trips they do has dropped because Elissa is a good mom, so Robb posts desperately to drive people from one social media outlet to another, gaining clicks. Even with this, TPR.com is only worth around $25000, according to online estimators, so it's not his retirement plan yet.

I really think he could have been a massive. RESPECTED coaster authority, but instead he's just an asshat that a lot of media are ignorant of his real personality.

2014-03-03 13:30:16 UTC
Every time he admits to trolling this group, I'm reminded of this.
2014-03-03 23:53:10 UTC
8:30 AM TC10K wrote
"Every time he admits to trolling this group, I'm reminded of this.
http://www.thewrap.com/study-finds-online-trolls-bad-people-offline/ "

I've been called a "troll" for criticizing the Loudness War in the professional audio newsgroups, so what's the big deal?
2014-03-03 14:12:24 UTC
Post by Rastus O'Ginga
Just to be clear on my Alvey history,
To summarize: Rastus still doesn't like gay people, and thus ACE, but gives them his money anyways. So when TPR became (in effect) a competitor to ACE, he decided to glom on and try to ride TPR to coaster utopia. He ended up discovering Robb wouldn't put up with his shit either. So Rastus is going to post useless dramatic shit on RRC again. FIN.
2014-03-03 14:24:45 UTC
On Saturday, March 1, 2014 2:48:15 PM UTC-5, Rastus O'Ginga wrote: > Just to be clear on my Alvey history, > To summarize: Rastus still doesn't like gay people, and thus ACE, but gives them his money anyways. So when TPR became (in effect) a competitor to ACE, he decided to glom on and try to ride TPR to coaster utopia. He ended up discovering Robb wouldn't put up with his shit either. So Rastus is going to post useless dramatic shit on RRC again. FIN.
2014-03-03 14:37:04 UTC
Is TPR supposed to somehow be less gay than ACE?

From what I've seen that would seem to be a bit of a stretch.
2014-03-03 14:41:36 UTC
Post by ldnayman
Is TPR supposed to somehow be less gay than ACE?
From what I've seen that would seem to be a bit of a stretch.
2014-03-04 02:38:02 UTC
Post by GodsOnSafari
To summarize: Rastus still doesn't like gay people, and thus ACE, but gives them his money anyways. So when TPR became (in effect) a competitor to ACE, he decided to glom on and try to ride TPR to coaster utopia. He ended up discovering Robb wouldn't put up with his shit either. So Rastus is going to post useless dramatic shit on RRC again. FIN.
TL, DR: Becuz teh gays
2014-03-04 04:04:27 UTC
Anyone hear the one about how Robb is no longer supporting Coasting for Kids? That's right, he's no longer donating to the charity and no longer instructing his website to donate to the charity. The reason? They didn't go crawling to him, stroke his ego, and beg for his help. Apparently he only donates when it serves as a way to promote his own interests, but then again, most of you already knew that.
Theme Park Review
2014-03-04 06:09:09 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Anyone hear the one about how Robb is no longer supporting Coasting for Kids? That's right, he's no longer donating to the charity and no longer instructing his website to donate to the charity. The reason? They didn't go crawling to him, stroke his ego, and beg for his help. Apparently he only donates when it serves as a way to promote his own interests, but then again, most of you already knew that.
Um, what are you talking about? We have a thread dedicated to it and have quite a few of our members joining Team TPR: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157

We'll have some information for people to check out in the next few days.

Someone needs to get their facts straight.
2014-03-04 07:12:38 UTC
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Anyone hear the one about how Robb is no longer supporting Coasting for Kids? That's right, he's no longer donating to the charity and no longer instructing his website to donate to the charity. The reason? They didn't go crawling to him, stroke his ego, and beg for his help. Apparently he only donates when it serves as a way to promote his own interests, but then again, most of you already knew that.
Um, what are you talking about? We have a thread dedicated to it and have quite a few of our members joining Team TPR: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
We'll have some information for people to check out in the next few days.
Someone needs to get their facts straight.
So the fact that you just said yesterday that you aren't supporting it this year isn't true? Let me guess, "bots" hacked your Facebook page and posted it?
2014-03-04 07:13:50 UTC
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Anyone hear the one about how Robb is no longer supporting Coasting for Kids? That's right, he's no longer donating to the charity and no longer instructing his website to donate to the charity. The reason? They didn't go crawling to him, stroke his ego, and beg for his help. Apparently he only donates when it serves as a way to promote his own interests, but then again, most of you already knew that.
Um, what are you talking about? We have a thread dedicated to it and have quite a few of our members joining Team TPR: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
We'll have some information for people to check out in the next few days.
Someone needs to get their facts straight.
So the fact that you just said yesterday that you weren't supporting it this year isn't true? Let me guess, "bots" hacked your Facebook account and posted it?
Theme Park Review
2014-03-04 16:30:31 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Anyone hear the one about how Robb is no longer supporting Coasting for Kids? That's right, he's no longer donating to the charity and no longer instructing his website to donate to the charity. The reason? They didn't go crawling to him, stroke his ego, and beg for his help. Apparently he only donates when it serves as a way to promote his own interests, but then again, most of you already knew that.
Um, what are you talking about? We have a thread dedicated to it and have quite a few of our members joining Team TPR: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
We'll have some information for people to check out in the next few days.
Someone needs to get their facts straight.
So the fact that you just said yesterday that you weren't supporting it this year isn't true? Let me guess, "bots" hacked your Facebook account and posted it?
You're taking something I said on a private, personal Facebook post totally out of context, Steve. And yes, that's not true at all. Why don't you do yourself a favor and educate yourself before making comments that aren't true: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
2014-03-04 16:59:03 UTC
I wonder what Cedar Fair and GKTW think about your repeated and hurtfully disgusting posts making fun of mentally and physically diabled people?
Theme Park Review
2014-03-04 17:00:25 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
I wonder what Cedar Fair and GKTW think about your repeated and hurtfully disgusting posts making fun of mentally and physically diabled people?
Since I have no idea what you're even talking about or referring to, why don't you just ask them?
2014-03-04 17:45:51 UTC
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Anyone hear the one about how Robb is no longer supporting Coasting for Kids? That's right, he's no longer donating to the charity and no longer instructing his website to donate to the charity. The reason? They didn't go crawling to him, stroke his ego, and beg for his help. Apparently he only donates when it serves as a way to promote his own interests, but then again, most of you already knew that.
Um, what are you talking about? We have a thread dedicated to it and have quite a few of our members joining Team TPR: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
We'll have some information for people to check out in the next few days.
Someone needs to get their facts straight.
So the fact that you just said yesterday that you weren't supporting it this year isn't true? Let me guess, "bots" hacked your Facebook account and posted it?
You're taking something I said on a private, personal Facebook post totally out of context, Steve. And yes, that's not true at all. Why don't you do yourself a favor and educate yourself before making comments that aren't true: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
You're own little personal lackey spent lots of time defending your decision, as well, so maybe you should monitor what your mouthpieces are saying on your behalf. According to Errand Boy, he said since Coasting For Kids switched leadership a few months ago, they never contacted you about helping them this year. So now you're refusing to help them. I thought it was all about helping kids in need, not getting your ego stroked.
2014-03-04 17:55:31 UTC
The ONLY reason he's got his minions participating in GKTW is to get attention for TPR and hopefully that attention will generate cash.. He "could give two shits" about ANY disabled children, the only kid he cares about is....HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ANY KIDS! He's probably dump lil pound cake in the UK if he could..
Theme Park Review
2014-03-04 18:11:51 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Anyone hear the one about how Robb is no longer supporting Coasting for Kids? That's right, he's no longer donating to the charity and no longer instructing his website to donate to the charity. The reason? They didn't go crawling to him, stroke his ego, and beg for his help. Apparently he only donates when it serves as a way to promote his own interests, but then again, most of you already knew that.
Um, what are you talking about? We have a thread dedicated to it and have quite a few of our members joining Team TPR: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
We'll have some information for people to check out in the next few days.
Someone needs to get their facts straight.
So the fact that you just said yesterday that you weren't supporting it this year isn't true? Let me guess, "bots" hacked your Facebook account and posted it?
You're taking something I said on a private, personal Facebook post totally out of context, Steve. And yes, that's not true at all. Why don't you do yourself a favor and educate yourself before making comments that aren't true: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
You're own little personal lackey spent lots of time defending your decision, as well, so maybe you should monitor what your mouthpieces are saying on your behalf. According to Errand Boy, he said since Coasting For Kids switched leadership a few months ago, they never contacted you about helping them this year. So now you're refusing to help them. I thought it was all about helping kids in need, not getting your ego stroked.
Steve, I have no idea what you're talking about or where you're getting your information, but it's not even close to being anything accurate. Regardless, I think the thread on TPR speaks for itself, though: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
2014-03-04 18:19:55 UTC
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Anyone hear the one about how Robb is no longer supporting Coasting for Kids? That's right, he's no longer donating to the charity and no longer instructing his website to donate to the charity. The reason? They didn't go crawling to him, stroke his ego, and beg for his help. Apparently he only donates when it serves as a way to promote his own interests, but then again, most of you already knew that.
Um, what are you talking about? We have a thread dedicated to it and have quite a few of our members joining Team TPR: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
We'll have some information for people to check out in the next few days.
Someone needs to get their facts straight.
So the fact that you just said yesterday that you weren't supporting it this year isn't true? Let me guess, "bots" hacked your Facebook account and posted it?
You're taking something I said on a private, personal Facebook post totally out of context, Steve. And yes, that's not true at all. Why don't you do yourself a favor and educate yourself before making comments that aren't true: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
You're own little personal lackey spent lots of time defending your decision, as well, so maybe you should monitor what your mouthpieces are saying on your behalf. According to Errand Boy, he said since Coasting For Kids switched leadership a few months ago, they never contacted you about helping them this year. So now you're refusing to help them. I thought it was all about helping kids in need, not getting your ego stroked.
Steve, I have no idea what you're talking about or where you're getting your information, but it's not even close to being anything accurate. Regardless, I think the thread on TPR speaks for itself, though: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
So you're telling me Jake didn't say all that? Seriously? I always knew you were a liar, but good grief. I just had the conversation with him two nights ago. If you'd like, I'll even post all the screen shots. Don't act like you aren't obsessed with what people are saying about you on Facebook, you have everyone but Santa Claus and Raptor Jesus spying on the people you unfriended. Which is fine. It's hilarious that you spend that kind of energy on it, and even more hilarious you have that many people willing to do it just so they won't lose trip perks.

And I know you're trying to bait me into going to the site to see that I'm IP banned, but I really couldn't care less. I've barely even been to that site in months. Hell, I didn't even figure out I was banned until maybe two weeks ago when someone mentioned the new site layout and I went to look out of curiosity. Regardless, there are so many ways around IP bans, anyone with half a brain could get around them.
2014-03-04 18:29:57 UTC
How to Spot a Sociopath...
A sociopath can be defined as a person who is at least 18 years old who has Antisocial Personality Disorder. This disorder is characterized by a disregard for the feelings of others, a lack of remorse or shame, manipulative behavior, unchecked egocentricity, and the ability to lie in order to achieve one's goals. Sociopaths can be dangerous at worst or simply very difficult to deal with, and it's important to know if you've found yourself with a sociopath, whether it's someone you're dating or an impossible coworker. If you want to know how to spot a sociopath, then you have to pay careful attention to what the person says or does.

Theme Park Review
2014-03-04 18:41:48 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Anyone hear the one about how Robb is no longer supporting Coasting for Kids? That's right, he's no longer donating to the charity and no longer instructing his website to donate to the charity. The reason? They didn't go crawling to him, stroke his ego, and beg for his help. Apparently he only donates when it serves as a way to promote his own interests, but then again, most of you already knew that.
Um, what are you talking about? We have a thread dedicated to it and have quite a few of our members joining Team TPR: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
We'll have some information for people to check out in the next few days.
Someone needs to get their facts straight.
So the fact that you just said yesterday that you weren't supporting it this year isn't true? Let me guess, "bots" hacked your Facebook account and posted it?
You're taking something I said on a private, personal Facebook post totally out of context, Steve. And yes, that's not true at all. Why don't you do yourself a favor and educate yourself before making comments that aren't true: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
You're own little personal lackey spent lots of time defending your decision, as well, so maybe you should monitor what your mouthpieces are saying on your behalf. According to Errand Boy, he said since Coasting For Kids switched leadership a few months ago, they never contacted you about helping them this year. So now you're refusing to help them. I thought it was all about helping kids in need, not getting your ego stroked.
Steve, I have no idea what you're talking about or where you're getting your information, but it's not even close to being anything accurate. Regardless, I think the thread on TPR speaks for itself, though: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
So you're telling me Jake didn't say all that? Seriously? I always knew you were a liar, but good grief. I just had the conversation with him two nights ago. If you'd like, I'll even post all the screen shots. Don't act like you aren't obsessed with what people are saying about you on Facebook, you have everyone but Santa Claus and Raptor Jesus spying on the people you unfriended. Which is fine. It's hilarious that you spend that kind of energy on it, and even more hilarious you have that many people willing to do it just so they won't lose trip perks.
Steve - I'm not exactly sure why you are trying to create all this drama, but it's painfully obvious that's what you're doing. I don't have any response to any of what you are saying, other than I think it's clear that the thread on TPR speaks for itself in regards to the event. (I feel like I'm repeating myself here) http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
2014-03-04 18:49:57 UTC
Nice damage control, you just set it up this morning. Because that first post is vastly different than it was yesterday. Wasn't stickied, either.

"Last edited by robbalvey on Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:32 am."
Theme Park Review
2014-03-04 19:00:07 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Nice damage control, you just set it up this morning. Because that first post is vastly different than it was yesterday. Wasn't stickied, either.
"Last edited by robbalvey on Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:32 am."
Steve - I am working with one of our other members, who has volunteered to help out with the event this year. He has been updating that post, and I've been helping him edit it. He did a fantastic job of posting all the new information, the web graphics, etc, and we thank him (PhantomNick) for his help and support.

Again, I have no idea why you are creating drama out of this. You posting that I made an edit to a post is grasping at straws that don't exist. Of COURSE we are editing that post, it's the MAIN POST for the event!!!

And if you must know, what I just edited was this line:

"Coasting for Kids 2014 is happening on Sunday, June 8th, 2014!"

And I changed it to this:

"Coasting for Kids 2014 is happening on Sunday, June 8th, 2014!
(Note - Valleyfair will be on Saturday, June 7th)"

So while I appreciate you monitoring every post and edit we make on TPR, your help is not needed. Thank you.
Theme Park Review
2014-03-04 21:31:55 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Nice damage control, you just set it up this morning. Because that first post is vastly different than it was yesterday. Wasn't stickied, either.
"Last edited by robbalvey on Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:32 am."

"Last edited by robbalvey on 04 Mar 2014 02:49 pm"

Can you spot the difference? Can you???

If you can spot the difference, post it and we'll send you an ACTUAL Bag-O-Crap! =)
2014-03-04 19:39:47 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
So you're telling me Jake didn't say all that? Seriously? I always knew you were a liar, but good grief. I just had the conversation with him two nights ago. If you'd like, I'll even post all the screen shots. Don't act like you aren't obsessed with what people are saying about you on Facebook, you have everyone but Santa Claus and Raptor Jesus spying on the people you unfriended. Which is fine. It's hilarious that you spend that kind of energy on it, and even more hilarious you have that many people willing to do it just so they won't lose trip perks.
And I know you're trying to bait me into going to the site to see that I'm IP banned, but I really couldn't care less. I've barely even been to that site in months. Hell, I didn't even figure out I was banned until maybe two weeks ago when someone mentioned the new site layout and I went to look out of curiosity. Regardless, there are so many ways around IP bans, anyone with half a brain could get around them.
What do you see yourself getting out of this? Just wondering.
2014-03-04 19:43:22 UTC
To be fair, I never once said that TPR would not be supporting the event, Steve. All I said is that I heard that GKTW hadn't even been in contact with anyone at TPR, and it is absolutely the charities job to solicit their top donators in a specific event to get additional support. Only claim I ever made.
Theme Park Review
2014-03-04 20:58:20 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
To be fair, I never once said that TPR would not be supporting the event, Steve. All I said is that I heard that GKTW hadn't even been in contact with anyone at TPR, and it is absolutely the charities job to solicit their top donators in a specific event to get additional support. Only claim I ever made.
And that would be correct. A lot can change in a couple of days as well. We got an email from GKTW this morning with some updated information that I'm sure we'll be sharing with our Team TPR members over the next few days.

Again, I have no idea where Steve is getting his information or what his agenda is, but the thread on TPR speaks volumes, so does the fact that many of our people were signing up for Team TPR weeks before Steve started going on with whatever his crusade of made-up stories is about: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157
2014-03-04 21:28:44 UTC
My real question is did Steve really get booted from TPR, as he was a major minion who attacked everyone who dared not praise Robb, or is this all a ruse? Don't you still like TPR on FB, Steve?

If it's true, I truly am sorry you finally see who Robb really is. That's a shame but inevitable.

As for GKTW, TPR can't reach out to a new person who just took over instead of making the claim that that person MUST contact them?
Theme Park Review
2014-03-04 21:30:55 UTC
Post by Edwardo
As for GKTW, TPR can't reach out to a new person who just took over instead of making the claim that that person MUST contact them?
Hi. We did. Thanks for making assumptions. Go away now. #TakeBackRRC
2014-03-04 23:21:25 UTC
I didn't assume I went off of what your minion posted in this thread. #getoffRrc
2014-03-05 00:30:30 UTC
Post by Edwardo
I didn't assume I went off of what your minion posted in this thread. #getoffRrc
Since Robb is apparently way behind and not taking care of business with GKTW, how are ACE, Coasterbuzz/Pointbuzz, and Coaster Crew doing with promoting Coasting For Kids?
Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 01:13:22 UTC
Post by GodsOnSafari
Post by Edwardo
I didn't assume I went off of what your minion posted in this thread. #getoffRrc
Since Robb is apparently way behind and not taking care of business with GKTW, how are ACE, Coasterbuzz/Pointbuzz, and Coaster Crew doing with promoting Coasting For Kids?
Looking at the team pages, it's currently:

CoasterBuzz - $0
ACE - $75
CoasterCrew - $250
TPR - $350
2014-03-05 02:14:12 UTC
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by GodsOnSafari
Post by Edwardo
I didn't assume I went off of what your minion posted in this thread. #getoffRrc
Since Robb is apparently way behind and not taking care of business with GKTW, how are ACE, Coasterbuzz/Pointbuzz, and Coaster Crew doing with promoting Coasting For Kids?
CoasterBuzz - $0
ACE - $75
CoasterCrew - $250
TPR - $350
I was honestly surprised they have anything. None of the other three even mention it or the 2014 dates on their sites.
2014-03-05 02:15:39 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by GodsOnSafari
Post by Edwardo
I didn't assume I went off of what your minion posted in this thread. #getoffRrc
Since Robb is apparently way behind and not taking care of business with GKTW, how are ACE, Coasterbuzz/Pointbuzz, and Coaster Crew doing with promoting Coasting For Kids?
CoasterBuzz - $0
ACE - $75
CoasterCrew - $250
TPR - $350
I was honestly surprised they have anything. None of the other three even mention it or the 2014 dates on their sites.
LOL posted when my wife was logged in. Oh well.
2014-03-05 04:23:22 UTC
Post by Edwardo
My real question is did Steve really get booted from TPR, as he was a major minion who attacked everyone who dared not praise Robb, or is this all a ruse? Don't you still like TPR on FB, Steve?
If it's true, I truly am sorry you finally see who Robb really is. That's a shame but inevitable.
As for GKTW, TPR can't reach out to a new person who just took over instead of making the claim that that person MUST contact them?
I used to defend him because I was fairly certain you all are certifiably nuts. I'm actually still convinced most of you are, but I just don't defend him anymore. Giving you guys extra ammo is just an added bonus.

My girlfriend could never stand him or Elissa, but was always civil because, like most everyone else does, she liked the trip perks and we actually met some pretty awesome people through TPR. Robb deleted me and cut me off because I wouldn't unfriend Renee on Facebook, the girl who he spent more time with than his wife for the better part of a year. He unfriended and cut off a shit ton of other people, too, people who had been loyal to him a hell of a lot longer than I ever was. So yeah, a 41 year old dude unfriending people on Facebook because they're friends with someone his wife doesn't like. I think 12 year olds have more maturity than that.

None of it was a surprise, though, there are enough stories out there about his loyalty to people (or lack thereof).
Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 04:33:39 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Edwardo
My real question is did Steve really get booted from TPR, as he was a major minion who attacked everyone who dared not praise Robb, or is this all a ruse? Don't you still like TPR on FB, Steve?
If it's true, I truly am sorry you finally see who Robb really is. That's a shame but inevitable.
As for GKTW, TPR can't reach out to a new person who just took over instead of making the claim that that person MUST contact them?
I used to defend him because I was fairly certain you all are certifiably nuts. I'm actually still convinced most of you are, but I just don't defend him anymore. Giving you guys extra ammo is just an added bonus.
My girlfriend could never stand him or Elissa, but was always civil because, like most everyone else does, she liked the trip perks and we actually met some pretty awesome people through TPR. Robb deleted me and cut me off because I wouldn't unfriend Renee on Facebook, the girl who he spent more time with than his wife for the better part of a year. He unfriended and cut off a shit ton of other people, too, people who had been loyal to him a hell of a lot longer than I ever was. So yeah, a 41 year old dude unfriending people on Facebook because they're friends with someone his wife doesn't like. I think 12 year olds have more maturity than that.
None of it was a surprise, though, there are enough stories out there about his loyalty to people (or lack thereof).
Aaaaaand once again you're just making up stories to fit whatever agenda or crusade you're on. With just our traveling alone, I spent 138 days on trips in 2012 - every single day and hour with Elissa, so I'm not sure how I could have spent more time with someone else than her during that period, but whatever, you don't care about what ACTUALLY took place during that time, you just care about your personal agenda.

Perhaps you should just focus on your life instead of other people's? Because when I read stuff like this, you're just as batshit crazy as everyone else, Steve.

I'm loyal to people who don't take advantage of us or treat us like crap. You've done both Steve. I was happy to drop you and your girlfriend like a rock. Elissa never liked either of you. You were only kept around because I actually thought you were a good guy. Elissa was right.


ps. You screwed up every single order we ever made at Outback, we were just too nice to tell you. Great job as a server, man.
2014-03-05 06:06:23 UTC
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Edwardo
My real question is did Steve really get booted from TPR, as he was a major minion who attacked everyone who dared not praise Robb, or is this all a ruse? Don't you still like TPR on FB, Steve?
If it's true, I truly am sorry you finally see who Robb really is. That's a shame but inevitable.
As for GKTW, TPR can't reach out to a new person who just took over instead of making the claim that that person MUST contact them?
I used to defend him because I was fairly certain you all are certifiably nuts. I'm actually still convinced most of you are, but I just don't defend him anymore. Giving you guys extra ammo is just an added bonus.
My girlfriend could never stand him or Elissa, but was always civil because, like most everyone else does, she liked the trip perks and we actually met some pretty awesome people through TPR. Robb deleted me and cut me off because I wouldn't unfriend Renee on Facebook, the girl who he spent more time with than his wife for the better part of a year. He unfriended and cut off a shit ton of other people, too, people who had been loyal to him a hell of a lot longer than I ever was. So yeah, a 41 year old dude unfriending people on Facebook because they're friends with someone his wife doesn't like. I think 12 year olds have more maturity than that.
None of it was a surprise, though, there are enough stories out there about his loyalty to people (or lack thereof).
Aaaaaand once again you're just making up stories to fit whatever agenda or crusade you're on. With just our traveling alone, I spent 138 days on trips in 2012 - every single day and hour with Elissa, so I'm not sure how I could have spent more time with someone else than her during that period, but whatever, you don't care about what ACTUALLY took place during that time, you just care about your personal agenda.
Ok so you didn't unfriend everyone who wouldn't unfriend Renee? You're telling me that's a lie? That's your story? Do you want me to post the message you sent out to everyone? Or are you just cherry picking things out of what I said just to try to save face as usual?

And believe me, your opinion of me and Jen means absolutely nothing to me. Zero, zilch, nada, zip. I'm not like Jake and go seeking the approval of men twice my age so I can have fun vacations. Although I find it hilarious that you and Elissa were willing to invite two people you "didn't like" to go on your personal anniversary cruise with you. Honestly, the only personal relationship I regret losing over not being a part of TPR anymore is Jack, but if he's that weak minded to let you control his friendships, maybe he's not as good a guy as I thought he was.

And Jen didn't block Jake, she just unfriended him because he annoys the shit out of her like he does everyone else who is unfortunate enough to see the crap he posts about his chunky ass girlfriend.
Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 06:17:51 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Edwardo
My real question is did Steve really get booted from TPR, as he was a major minion who attacked everyone who dared not praise Robb, or is this all a ruse? Don't you still like TPR on FB, Steve?
If it's true, I truly am sorry you finally see who Robb really is. That's a shame but inevitable.
As for GKTW, TPR can't reach out to a new person who just took over instead of making the claim that that person MUST contact them?
I used to defend him because I was fairly certain you all are certifiably nuts. I'm actually still convinced most of you are, but I just don't defend him anymore. Giving you guys extra ammo is just an added bonus.
My girlfriend could never stand him or Elissa, but was always civil because, like most everyone else does, she liked the trip perks and we actually met some pretty awesome people through TPR. Robb deleted me and cut me off because I wouldn't unfriend Renee on Facebook, the girl who he spent more time with than his wife for the better part of a year. He unfriended and cut off a shit ton of other people, too, people who had been loyal to him a hell of a lot longer than I ever was. So yeah, a 41 year old dude unfriending people on Facebook because they're friends with someone his wife doesn't like. I think 12 year olds have more maturity than that.
None of it was a surprise, though, there are enough stories out there about his loyalty to people (or lack thereof).
Aaaaaand once again you're just making up stories to fit whatever agenda or crusade you're on. With just our traveling alone, I spent 138 days on trips in 2012 - every single day and hour with Elissa, so I'm not sure how I could have spent more time with someone else than her during that period, but whatever, you don't care about what ACTUALLY took place during that time, you just care about your personal agenda.
Ok so you didn't unfriend everyone who wouldn't unfriend Renee? You're telling me that's a lie? That's your story? Do you want me to post the message you sent out to everyone? Or are you just cherry picking things out of what I said just to try to save face as usual?
And believe me, your opinion of me and Jen means absolutely nothing to me. Zero, zilch, nada, zip. I'm not like Jake and go seeking the approval of men twice my age so I can have fun vacations. Although I find it hilarious that you and Elissa were willing to invite two people you "didn't like" to go on your personal anniversary cruise with you. Honestly, the only personal relationship I regret losing over not being a part of TPR anymore is Jack, but if he's that weak minded to let you control his friendships, maybe he's not as good a guy as I thought he was.
And Jen didn't block Jake, she just unfriended him because he annoys the shit out of her like he does everyone else who is unfortunate enough to see the crap he posts about his chunky ass girlfriend.
Steve - You can go on thinking and believing WHATEVER YOU WANT. I don't care. You said it yourself, you were only hanging out with us and tolerating us for the TPR perks. You're not our "friends." You're happy without us, right?

Then leave us alone.
2014-03-05 06:24:14 UTC
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Theme Park Review
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Edwardo
My real question is did Steve really get booted from TPR, as he was a major minion who attacked everyone who dared not praise Robb, or is this all a ruse? Don't you still like TPR on FB, Steve?
If it's true, I truly am sorry you finally see who Robb really is. That's a shame but inevitable.
As for GKTW, TPR can't reach out to a new person who just took over instead of making the claim that that person MUST contact them?
I used to defend him because I was fairly certain you all are certifiably nuts. I'm actually still convinced most of you are, but I just don't defend him anymore. Giving you guys extra ammo is just an added bonus.
My girlfriend could never stand him or Elissa, but was always civil because, like most everyone else does, she liked the trip perks and we actually met some pretty awesome people through TPR. Robb deleted me and cut me off because I wouldn't unfriend Renee on Facebook, the girl who he spent more time with than his wife for the better part of a year. He unfriended and cut off a shit ton of other people, too, people who had been loyal to him a hell of a lot longer than I ever was. So yeah, a 41 year old dude unfriending people on Facebook because they're friends with someone his wife doesn't like. I think 12 year olds have more maturity than that.
None of it was a surprise, though, there are enough stories out there about his loyalty to people (or lack thereof).
Aaaaaand once again you're just making up stories to fit whatever agenda or crusade you're on. With just our traveling alone, I spent 138 days on trips in 2012 - every single day and hour with Elissa, so I'm not sure how I could have spent more time with someone else than her during that period, but whatever, you don't care about what ACTUALLY took place during that time, you just care about your personal agenda.
Ok so you didn't unfriend everyone who wouldn't unfriend Renee? You're telling me that's a lie? That's your story? Do you want me to post the message you sent out to everyone? Or are you just cherry picking things out of what I said just to try to save face as usual?
And believe me, your opinion of me and Jen means absolutely nothing to me. Zero, zilch, nada, zip. I'm not like Jake and go seeking the approval of men twice my age so I can have fun vacations. Although I find it hilarious that you and Elissa were willing to invite two people you "didn't like" to go on your personal anniversary cruise with you. Honestly, the only personal relationship I regret losing over not being a part of TPR anymore is Jack, but if he's that weak minded to let you control his friendships, maybe he's not as good a guy as I thought he was.
And Jen didn't block Jake, she just unfriended him because he annoys the shit out of her like he does everyone else who is unfortunate enough to see the crap he posts about his chunky ass girlfriend.
Steve - You can go on thinking and believing WHATEVER YOU WANT. I don't care. You said it yourself, you were only hanging out with us and tolerating us for the TPR perks. You're not our "friends." You're happy without us, right?
Then leave us alone.
I'm always happy. Life is beautiful. Glad you had a change of heart on the GKTW charity. Even though I know your motives are far from genuine, all that matters is the money that will be raised.
Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 06:39:38 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Glad you had a change of heart on the GKTW charity. Even though I know your motives are far from genuine, all that matters is the money that will be raised.
There was no change of heart. There are no ulterior motives. Like I said, you can go on thinking and believing WHATEVER YOU WANT. I don't care.
Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 07:13:28 UTC
FYI, Steve. The post was edited again. Just though you'd like to know since you're keeping track.

Last edited by PhantomNick on 05 Mar 2014 02:23 am.
2014-03-05 07:36:39 UTC
Lol pot. You misspelled thought. But I don't feel like posting a link.
2014-03-05 14:23:21 UTC
FYI, Steve. The post was edited again. Just though you'd like to know since you're keeping track. Last edited by PhantomNick on 05 Mar 2014 02:23 am.

2014-03-05 06:26:16 UTC
To be honest, some of the people that are very Anti-Alvey are a bit nuts. Some of them are jealous. To be honest, several of them get on my last nerve, but I don't kick them off of TPRevenue simply because I'm not going to ban people simply because I don't like them.

And I guess now that whole story about how he gave my personal info out to someone that gave it to a drug addicted freak in Las Vegas sounds a bit truer?

Seriously, though, every time Robb looses another uber-fan/'friend', it has to make you wonder how much more he has left.

It's pointless to argue when he's lying, because he still believes he's not lying.

Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 06:37:01 UTC
Post by Edwardo
Seriously, though, every time Robb looses another uber-fan/'friend', it has to make you wonder how much more he has left.
Rastus O'Ginga
2014-03-05 17:17:52 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Edwardo
My real question is did Steve really get booted from TPR, as he was a major minion who attacked everyone who dared not praise Robb, or is this all a ruse? Don't you still like TPR on FB, Steve?
If it's true, I truly am sorry you finally see who Robb really is. That's a shame but inevitable.
As for GKTW, TPR can't reach out to a new person who just took over instead of making the claim that that person MUST contact them?
I used to defend him because I was fairly certain you all are certifiably nuts. I'm actually still convinced most of you are, but I just don't defend him anymore. Giving you guys extra ammo is just an added bonus.
My girlfriend could never stand him or Elissa, but was always civil because, like most everyone else does, she liked the trip perks and we actually met some pretty awesome people through TPR. Robb deleted me and cut me off because I wouldn't unfriend Renee on Facebook, the girl who he spent more time with than his wife for the better part of a year. He unfriended and cut off a shit ton of other people, too, people who had been loyal to him a hell of a lot longer than I ever was. So yeah, a 41 year old dude unfriending people on Facebook because they're friends with someone his wife doesn't like. I think 12 year olds have more maturity than that.
None of it was a surprise, though, there are enough stories out there about his loyalty to people (or lack thereof).
WOW! Some good popcorn material today.

So, why dont' you spill the beans? I don't understand why one of his ex minions doesn't spell it out. I'm always amazed at how well Robb clamps down on info.

I'd love to know how many people they have abandoned on trips. Or any other outrageous things they've done to people who paid big bucks to use them as a travel guide.

How much the minions pay for their overpriced trips.

Do the minions get paid ANYTHING except free/redeuced rate trips?

Does Disney pay them to keep anything anti-Disney off their forums?

I just don't understand the whole thing. Some of his admins seem to be online constantly. Are they all just living in their parents basement, doing free admin work for Rob, jsut to get a cheap/free cruise once a year?

Robb is obviously in panic mode here, due to his multiple posts on here. He's doing some serious damage control.

2014-03-05 17:41:33 UTC
Post by Rastus O'Ginga
I'd love to know how many people they have abandoned on trips.
I am not associated with TPR any longer, but I do still think that the TPR policy of a strict departure time is the correct one. I distinctly remember an ECC trip where over 40 people missed half our ERS because someone couldn't get out of bed on time.

Just my EURO 0.02.

Rastus O'Ginga
2014-03-05 17:53:27 UTC
Post by r***@gmail.com
Post by Rastus O'Ginga
I'd love to know how many people they have abandoned on trips.
I am not associated with TPR any longer, but I do still think that the TPR policy of a strict departure time is the correct one. I distinctly remember an ECC trip where over 40 people missed half our ERS because someone couldn't get out of bed on time.
Just my EURO 0.02.
So you did finally get the boot from King Alvey?

WOW. Yeah, not like you can add any good incite regarding coasters to his forums.

I agree with strict departures. But, I could see Robb closing a bus door as someone was running towards it.

It's just that you know they delete any negative posts about their trips, so there is really no easy place for folks to let others know of the shenanigans they pull on their trips.

2014-03-05 18:23:24 UTC
Post by Rastus O'Ginga
So you did finally get the boot from King Alvey?
I took the decision to cease logging into TPR for personal reasons in October 2012.

I'd guess that many of you are aware of what led to this decision, but for those who don't, suffice it to say that it had nothing whatsoever to do with Robb Alvey.

For all I know my account could still be active. I've not tried to use it since.

Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 19:55:56 UTC
Post by r***@gmail.com
Post by Rastus O'Ginga
So you did finally get the boot from King Alvey?
I took the decision to cease logging into TPR for personal reasons in October 2012.
I'd guess that many of you are aware of what led to this decision, but for those who don't, suffice it to say that it had nothing whatsoever to do with Robb Alvey.
For all I know my account could still be active. I've not tried to use it since.
Yep. It is. Waiting for you if ever you ever decide to return. I respect your wishes as I'm not someone to go diving into ones personal life. Would be nice of other people would be as respectful. Although I'm really not bothered by it either way.
2014-03-05 21:34:20 UTC
You dove into my personal life by carelessly giving out my ip and info. And is done NOTHING to you at that point.
Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 21:42:30 UTC
Post by Edwardo
You dove into my personal life by carelessly giving out my ip and info. And is done NOTHING to you at that point.
You're lying and you know it. I have never done anything of the sort.
2014-03-05 23:19:52 UTC
Yeah I'm making it up. Whatever. You have it to rapterboyasu and he admitted it before the whole gap 'crisis'. So if someone is lying, it's him lying on you. But I doubt that since all you gave him was an up that traced back to an old job I had before the gap, and the only other site I was on was Coasterbuzz, and ink is Jeff didn't give my ip out.
2014-03-06 01:27:20 UTC
Lawdy the autocorrect sux.

Yeah I'm making it up. Whatever. You gave it to rapterboyasu and he admitted it before the whole gap 'crisis'. So if someone is lying, it's him lying on you. But I doubt that since all you gave him was an ip that traced back to an old job I had before the gap, and the only other site I was on was Coasterbuzz, and I know Jeff didn't give my ip out.

So either you're lying, or Kyle is lying in you. Course he used to tell all your secrets back when he was on the gap. And share screenshots from the private boards. Like the memes hosted on coasterfanatics that made fun of Belson.

He even gave us a link to that.

Lol even your friends talk about you and spill your secrets.
2014-03-06 06:02:02 UTC
Steve, please feel free to post the mass fb message he sent out over support for the TPRSux page, the screen shots that none of us have seen, and any other info you've said you have to post.

It only makes him look more like what he is and gives you more credibility.
2014-03-05 20:44:55 UTC
What trip was it where he repeatedly screamed at someone STFU STFU STFU infront of a full bus of people
2014-03-06 16:02:59 UTC
I found a re-enactment of one of his tirades on a bus trip

2014-04-23 18:22:18 UTC
I just got word from someone that TP Revenue noticed I had been MIA from TPR for some time.

It's true....I think about a year. I have no idea. Leaving TPR, err being kicked out, was hardly a blip on my radar of life. I used the term "terrible" on a common friend's page to describe something, and Robb decided it was an attack on Elissa and him It was hardly the first thought in my head when I used the adjective, but if that's what he wants to think, fine. What bothered me is that he told me my "friend's" tattled on me to him stating "look what he's doing to you Robb." I don't think Robb knew that the only person that saw that post was someone that I was not friend's with on FB. Only him, and the other common friend. So he had people stirring crap up...and I was friends and hanging out with people he had disassociated himself with.

I used to post here occasionally defending Robb (as VFTB Matt). I still know that Robb gets a lot of crap for things that he doesn't do, are completely false, and there are people that seriously need to get lives. I was on the inside at TPR, and most of what is claimed by this group, and others is completely BS. No one gets perks. I think I got some t-shirts, and a gas card once for helping him get the Game Exchange up and running. And I didn't really care, I enjoyed working on it for him, and the knew the users there would really enjoy it.

Again, I have no hard feelings. Our relationship had strained over the last year or so anyway, as I felt he was really seeking out trouble on place like RRC, etc. I tried to be the voice of reason, and I think sometimes he listened, but he always told me I'd never understand the history of the relationships here, and elsewhere. True. But at some point you have to move on, and stop giving ammunition at every turn.

With kids, and house move, and a new job, TPR had fallen to wayside anyway, as I didn't have the time to post, or read much there anyway. I've pretty much given up on the hobby. I went to WDW in August with my kids, and I'll be back in November (Robb if you're reading this stay away from the parks the 9th - 16th, I'm spending time with my kids and wife. I believe that was your last parting words. LOL). I want to ride Goliath at SFGAm, but it's not a high priority.

So in conclusion, most of what you think about TPR and Robb, is full of shit. I've been there, and can tell you that. I've been booted. I don't care. It's but a blip in what has been a life of ups and downs. I highly doubt I'll look back and say, "oh fuck, did I screw that TPR/Robb relationship up." I suggest all of you do too.
2014-04-23 19:08:51 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
I just got word from someone that TP Revenue noticed I had been MIA from TPR for some time.
It's true....I think about a year. I have no idea. Leaving TPR, err being kicked out, was hardly a blip on my radar of life. I used the term "terrible" on a common friend's page to describe something, and Robb decided it was an attack on Elissa and him It was hardly the first thought in my head when I used the adjective, but if that's what he wants to think, fine. What bothered me is that he told me my "friend's" tattled on me to him stating "look what he's doing to you Robb." I don't think Robb knew that the only person that saw that post was someone that I was not friend's with on FB. Only him, and the other common friend. So he had people stirring crap up...and I was friends and hanging out with people he had disassociated himself with.
I used to post here occasionally defending Robb (as VFTB Matt). I still know that Robb gets a lot of crap for things that he doesn't do, are completely false, and there are people that seriously need to get lives. I was on the inside at TPR, and most of what is claimed by this group, and others is completely BS. No one gets perks. I think I got some t-shirts, and a gas card once for helping him get the Game Exchange up and running. And I didn't really care, I enjoyed working on it for him, and the knew the users there would really enjoy it.
Again, I have no hard feelings. Our relationship had strained over the last year or so anyway, as I felt he was really seeking out trouble on place like RRC, etc. I tried to be the voice of reason, and I think sometimes he listened, but he always told me I'd never understand the history of the relationships here, and elsewhere. True. But at some point you have to move on, and stop giving ammunition at every turn.
With kids, and house move, and a new job, TPR had fallen to wayside anyway, as I didn't have the time to post, or read much there anyway. I've pretty much given up on the hobby. I went to WDW in August with my kids, and I'll be back in November (Robb if you're reading this stay away from the parks the 9th - 16th, I'm spending time with my kids and wife. I believe that was your last parting words. LOL). I want to ride Goliath at SFGAm, but it's not a high priority.
So in conclusion, most of what you think about TPR and Robb, is full of shit. I've been there, and can tell you that. I've been booted. I don't care. It's but a blip in what has been a life of ups and downs. I highly doubt I'll look back and say, "oh fuck, did I screw that TPR/Robb relationship up." I suggest all of you do too.
oh wow thanks for bumping this dead thread from 6 weeks ago
2014-04-23 19:29:57 UTC
^ Go back to your park bench outside Universal and keep drinking.
2014-04-23 20:05:24 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
^ Go back to your park bench outside Universal and keep drinking.
LOL awesome literacy skills, bro.
2014-04-23 20:14:42 UTC
Post by GodsOnSafari
Post by m***@gmail.com
^ Go back to your park bench outside Universal and keep drinking.
LOL awesome literacy skills, bro.
but hey, on the bright side, think of this: your disassociation with Robb made you a person of importance for a small but vocal clan of mouth-breathers. so much so, you felt that you had to emerge from obscurity (srsly who are you?) to tell us about THE FEELS in a thread left for dead. I bet you sat at the keyboard for like 4 hours typing that up, like it was a fucking press release or some shit. maybe you should have concluded it with a short biographical paragraph and contact information for your agent or social media outlet.
2014-04-23 20:47:35 UTC
Post by GodsOnSafari
Post by GodsOnSafari
Post by m***@gmail.com
^ Go back to your park bench outside Universal and keep drinking.
LOL awesome literacy skills, bro.
but hey, on the bright side, think of this: your disassociation with Robb made you a person of importance for a small but vocal clan of mouth-breathers. so much so, you felt that you had to emerge from obscurity (srsly who are you?) to tell us about THE FEELS in a thread left for dead. I bet you sat at the keyboard for like 4 hours typing that up, like it was a fucking press release or some shit. maybe you should have concluded it with a short biographical paragraph and contact information for your agent or social media outlet.
I remember this dickbag. I thought he was a horribly confused person back in his taint liking days. But I've really underestimated him; now he not only thinks you're Nogodforme, but he's sporting a chubby to defend a site that kicked him out. lmao
Rich B
2014-04-23 21:10:45 UTC
Post by Flare
Post by GodsOnSafari
Post by GodsOnSafari
Post by m***@gmail.com
^ Go back to your park bench outside Universal and keep drinking.
LOL awesome literacy skills, bro.
but hey, on the bright side, think of this: your disassociation with Robb made you a person of importance for a small but vocal clan of mouth-breathers. so much so, you felt that you had to emerge from obscurity (srsly who are you?) to tell us about THE FEELS in a thread left for dead. I bet you sat at the keyboard for like 4 hours typing that up, like it was a fucking press release or some shit. maybe you should have concluded it with a short biographical paragraph and contact information for your agent or social media outlet.
I remember this dickbag. I thought he was a horribly confused person back in his taint liking days. But I've really underestimated him; now he not only thinks you're Nogodforme, but he's sporting a chubby to defend a site that kicked him out. lmao
So I see you're only accepted on here if your booting from TPR turns you into a sociopathic d-bag. Just because he defends that a lot of the stuff from TPR is not true, does that ruin your little world? Tons of crap about the trips is and will always be pure lies or jealously, and the idea anyone who paid for them got ripped off is purely based on your opionion. I have never criticized his trips, just his inability to seperate business from "friendship". I was pretty far in the circle and never heard of people getting free trips, and if the two organizers did, well they should, it is a business not a charity. I got booted from TPR also, very harshly as per his m.o. I mention it, most of what was said about me and my wife was pure lies and slander, but some of it was true, but there comes a time to move on. I don't see why him bringing up this thread to say his piece is any worse then the countless new TPR threads that show up. He wanted to clear the air and move on, why is that wrong?
2014-04-24 13:03:13 UTC
Post by Rich B
So I see you're only accepted on here if your booting from TPR turns you into a sociopathic d-bag. Just because he defends that a lot of the stuff from TPR is not true, does that ruin your little world?
Who are you? I don't even know you. Yeah bro, my fucking MO right now is to hate on Robb. That's why I'd like you and everyone else to move onto relevant topics instead of a guy who hasn't posted here in weeks. Nobel Peace prize for Excellence in Posting on USENET right here.
Post by Rich B
Tons of crap<SNIP>
Fuck off. You're boring.
Post by Rich B
I was pretty far in the circle
Pretty far? How far? Balls deep?
Post by Rich B
I got booted from TPR also....most of what was said about me and my wife was pure lies and slander, but some of it was true
LOL, well, sounds like maybe you deserved it! Thanks for coming to bring these grievances here, because that's what the community of coaster nerds needs.
Post by Rich B
I don't see why him bringing up this thread to say his piece is any worse then the countless new TPR threads that show up. He wanted to clear the air and move on, why is that wrong?
1) All these threads are terrible.

2) Nobody cares about the need to "clear the air" on this or most any related matter because none of you guys matter and apparently half of you aren't even in the hobby any more (not that I'd even notice you being gone). If Sam Marks or whoever is asking, then go email him and let him know. The rest of the world lacks fucks to give.
2014-04-24 13:40:50 UTC
Rich, it's OK. No need to defend. These responses are why I stopped posting here anyway. Bassisist told me I should after I told him I got bounced, and I said there was no way. This group is more obsessed with Robb and TPR than discussing real topics. Just looking through RRC yesterday, it was still clear that was still going on, as half the topics on the first page were "why I hate TPR, etc."

And yeah I got two ass clowns that obsess over Robb confused. Sue me. When you all post the same drivel, it's hard to tell you apart.

So there you have it. Some of his "BoF insiders," who you didn't listen to anyway, got dumped. I know Rich is still a little pissed about it because he had no way of getting his side of the story out to many people. Liekwise with me. So sorry if I used one of the many "I hate Robb" topics to tag onto.

It is a open usenet group. I don't recall any laws indicating a thread couldn't be brought back up after a certain time frame. This one was barely halfway down the page after six weeks, for cryin' out loud. Once again showing that RRC is pretty much dead anyway. Unless Robb is the topic.

Peace. Out.
2014-04-24 14:00:08 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Rich, it's OK. No need to defend. These responses are why I stopped posting here anyway. Bassisist told me I should after I told him I got bounced, and I said there was no way. This group is more obsessed with Robb and TPR than discussing real topics. Just looking through RRC yesterday, it was still clear that was still going on, as half the topics on the first page were "why I hate TPR, etc."
Yeah, and they're all weeks old. Not to mention that I don't remember you posting here with any regularity anyways. I've been here 15 years.

Also LOL, thanks Mike! Great work encouraging this shit to continue.
Post by m***@gmail.com
And yeah I got two ass clowns that obsess over Robb confused. Sue me. When you all post the same drivel, it's hard to tell you apart.
One of the two of us wrote a big long narrative about our relationship with Robb, and the other didn't.
Post by m***@gmail.com
It is a open usenet group. I don't recall any laws indicating a thread couldn't be brought back up after a certain time frame. This one was barely halfway down the page after six weeks, for cryin' out loud. Once again showing that RRC is pretty much dead anyway. Unless Robb is the topic.
Yup. Thanks for continuing to perpetuate the existence of RRC as a newsgroup for people Robb banned to air grievances publicly in an insular and reinforcing environment.
2014-04-24 14:23:48 UTC
"Yup. Thanks for continuing to perpetuate the existence of RRC as a newsgroup for people Robb banned to air grievances publicly in an insular and reinforcing environment."

Hey, no problem.

RRC, where you go when no one else will put up with you.
2014-04-24 14:45:58 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
"Yup. Thanks for continuing to perpetuate the existence of RRC as a newsgroup for people Robb banned to air grievances publicly in an insular and reinforcing environment."
Hey, no problem.
RRC, where you go when no one else will put up with you.
You know what's funny? TPR banned you. I can still post there.
2014-04-24 15:17:15 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
"Yup. Thanks for continuing to perpetuate the existence of RRC as a newsgroup for people Robb banned to air grievances publicly in an insular and reinforcing environment."
Hey, no problem.
RRC, where you go when no one else will put up with you.
I thought you peaced out. lol

What's funnier, though, is the irony in your posts (and Rich B's), as you try and erroneously paint 2 individuals (who've been on this board for decades, collectively) as obsessed with someone.

I suggest you do at least a little homework before posting with complete ignorance.
2014-04-24 18:25:40 UTC
How's that funny? I don't want to post there. I haven't even looked at TPR since the terrible event.
I don't ever remember a Flare in any of my other dust ups here. And likewise I don't care. Keep responding. It's bumping this six week old thread that GoS got his undies in a bunch over. Clearly you want to keep the Robb commentary coming.

How's that for a Robb-like troll post? Ha! :P
2014-04-24 18:44:53 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
How's that funny? I don't want to post there. I haven't even looked at TPR since the terrible event.
Robb banned you and it didn't matter to you, but you came here to talk about it and refer to the events surrounding as "terrible." Now, after a very earnest first post, you want us to think you're trolling for responses. You're not very good at this. You're probably aspie for something else, so maybe you should go back to those boards. SBNation or BleacherReport could use the hits if you like sports. Maybe talk about that.
2014-04-25 00:54:28 UTC
Post by GodsOnSafari
Also LOL, thanks Mike! Great work encouraging this shit to continue.
LOL! Sorry everyone.

Matt is a nice guy when we talk on email, but this stuff here is like that girl with bruises on her face telling you how no one really understands her boyfriend, and, even though he hits her "now and then", he's still really a good guy.
dr. m
2014-04-25 05:11:17 UTC
Is getting embarrassed and deleting all your posts off of here like a thing? Why post in the first place if you're just going to delete it all?

Me, I'll never delete a post, no matter what dumb shit I say. I stand by my dumbness.
2014-04-28 14:26:10 UTC
On Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:00:08 AM UTC-7, GodsOnSafari wrote: > Also LOL, thanks Mike! Great work encouraging this shit to continue. LOL! Sorry everyone. Matt is a nice guy when we talk on email, but this stuff here is like that girl with bruises on her face telling you how no one really understands her boyfriend, and, even though he hits her "now and then", he's still really a good guy.
LOL, Mike. Yeah I know how that's how it came across.

In any case, I deleted my stuff because, yes some of you are right, digging up a thread just to tell my side, is/was a waste. No need to perpetuate it. I'm over it, and just don't care. Clearly hearing someone noticed I had been missing got something in me all hot bothered to let everyone know my side. Clearly, no gives a shit, and that's fine too. I certainly don't.

Time to move on.
2014-04-23 20:43:58 UTC
Pretty sure you're thinking of NoGodForMe.

Thanks for telling people they're obsessed in a 6 week old thread where nobody was posting though.

Honestly, I hadn't noticed u were gone, not sure who on TPRevenue pointed it out to you, I don't recall u being discussed.
2014-04-24 13:15:48 UTC
Post by Edwardo
Pretty sure you're thinking of NoGodForMe.
Thanks for telling people they're obsessed in a 6 week old thread where nobody was posting though.
Honestly, I hadn't noticed u were gone, not sure who on TPRevenue pointed it out to you, I don't recall u being discussed.
I once had someone tell me it was my responsibility to have a screen name that wasn't close enough to his. That was my favorite "I refuse to be wrong!" on the internet moment.
2014-03-05 20:43:07 UTC
On Wednesday, 5 March 2014 17:17:52 UTC, Rastus O'Ginga wrote: > I'd love to know how many people they have abandoned on trips. I am not associated with TPR any longer, but I do still think that the TPR policy of a strict departure time is the correct one. I distinctly remember an ECC trip where over 40 people missed half our ERS because someone couldn't get out of bed on time. Just my EURO 0.02. - www.themeparks.ie
But if you can be seen just a few yards away running toward the bus, ANY decent person would say STOP, let them on and give them a final warning, Not demand the driver continue and instruct everyone to point at them out the window and laugh... as they drove off w/o them.
Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 19:59:42 UTC
Post by Rastus O'Ginga
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by Edwardo
My real question is did Steve really get booted from TPR, as he was a major minion who attacked everyone who dared not praise Robb, or is this all a ruse? Don't you still like TPR on FB, Steve?
If it's true, I truly am sorry you finally see who Robb really is. That's a shame but inevitable.
As for GKTW, TPR can't reach out to a new person who just took over instead of making the claim that that person MUST contact them?
I used to defend him because I was fairly certain you all are certifiably nuts. I'm actually still convinced most of you are, but I just don't defend him anymore. Giving you guys extra ammo is just an added bonus.
My girlfriend could never stand him or Elissa, but was always civil because, like most everyone else does, she liked the trip perks and we actually met some pretty awesome people through TPR. Robb deleted me and cut me off because I wouldn't unfriend Renee on Facebook, the girl who he spent more time with than his wife for the better part of a year. He unfriended and cut off a shit ton of other people, too, people who had been loyal to him a hell of a lot longer than I ever was. So yeah, a 41 year old dude unfriending people on Facebook because they're friends with someone his wife doesn't like. I think 12 year olds have more maturity than that.
None of it was a surprise, though, there are enough stories out there about his loyalty to people (or lack thereof).
WOW! Some good popcorn material today.
So, why dont' you spill the beans? I don't understand why one of his ex minions doesn't spell it out. I'm always amazed at how well Robb clamps down on info.
I'd love to know how many people they have abandoned on trips. Or any other outrageous things they've done to people who paid big bucks to use them as a travel guide.
How much the minions pay for their overpriced trips.
Do the minions get paid ANYTHING except free/redeuced rate trips?
Does Disney pay them to keep anything anti-Disney off their forums?
I just don't understand the whole thing. Some of his admins seem to be online constantly. Are they all just living in their parents basement, doing free admin work for Rob, jsut to get a cheap/free cruise once a year?
Robb is obviously in panic mode here, due to his multiple posts on here. He's doing some serious damage control.
Rastus, you can believe WHATEVER YOU WANT about my personal life, because it's obvious you haven't got a clue, and that amuses me. Feel free to continue posting about it, as creepy as that is, if it makes you feel better about yourself.

You want to know why? Because NOTHING you or anyone else has said or done has had any impact on TPR at all. None. Zero. Zip. All that effort and time you have spent on us - WASTED!

TPR is more popular than we ever have been. We are breaking records on our forums. Our social media sites are so popular it's hard for us to even keep up. We are doing more contract business with parks and ride companies than ever before. And for the first time this year, we sold out at TPR Tour before it was officially announced!

I know this upsets you because you got yourself banned from TPR for displaying the same irrational, crazy behavior that you display here. You have been to our events before and I know you had a good time, and you wish you could be part of that again. But we gave you warnings, plenty of second chances, but you screwed that up, even though you put the blame on me.

You NOT being part of TPR actually makes our group better.

So continue saying what you want, I really don't care.

2014-03-05 04:18:21 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
To be fair, I never once said that TPR would not be supporting the event, Steve. All I said is that I heard that GKTW hadn't even been in contact with anyone at TPR, and it is absolutely the charities job to solicit their top donators in a specific event to get additional support. Only claim I ever made.
Ah. Hello, Errand Boy. Robb send out a mass message for support on Facebook again like he did with the TPR Sucks page?
Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 04:45:56 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by j***@gmail.com
To be fair, I never once said that TPR would not be supporting the event, Steve. All I said is that I heard that GKTW hadn't even been in contact with anyone at TPR, and it is absolutely the charities job to solicit their top donators in a specific event to get additional support. Only claim I ever made.
Ah. Hello, Errand Boy. Robb send out a mass message for support on Facebook again like he did with the TPR Sucks page?
Nope. No mass message. I just told Jake that you were quoting him on RRC and he took it upon himself to respond since you were making things up again like Elder Cunningham. Oddly enough, Jake actually didn't tell me much about whatever went on between you two, other than it happened and the overall gist of it. It might disappoint you Steve, but we don't focus on or care to discuss you.

I actually found it hilarious that, from what I understand, your girlfriend blocked him for having a difference of opinion over a conversation where your she was blocked from TPR for having a difference of opinion. Oh, the irony! lol

FYI - We didn't block her because she had a difference of opinion of some song, we blocked her because we don't like her and don't want her posting to TPR! She could have said ANYTHING and we still would have dropped her ass!

I honestly find the whole scenario incredibly amusing! (if not pathetic)
Theme Park Review
2014-03-05 04:56:09 UTC
2014-03-05 04:55:44 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
Post by j***@gmail.com
To be fair, I never once said that TPR would not be supporting the event, Steve. All I said is that I heard that GKTW hadn't even been in contact with anyone at TPR, and it is absolutely the charities job to solicit their top donators in a specific event to get additional support. Only claim I ever made.
Ah. Hello, Errand Boy. Robb send out a mass message for support on Facebook again like he did with the TPR Sucks page?
Actually I think for myself. Sorry if that concept is so foreign to you!
2014-03-05 06:30:33 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Actually I think for myself. Sorry if that concept is so foreign to you!
Looks like he's thinking pretty well for himself now that he's not blinded by Alveyism. Alveytology?

Go jump on a couch.
2014-03-05 01:26:35 UTC
Theme Park Review wrote "- show quoted text -
You're taking something I said on a private, personal Facebook post totally out of context, Steve. And yes, that's not true at all. Why don't you do yourself a favor and educate yourself before making comments that aren't true: http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67157 "

Robb, PLEASE, don't feed the VULTURES!

"troll" is too kind a term to use for what they're doing.

This is the last you will hear from me on this thread, and hopefully the last I read from you here. It's not worth your time. Seriously!
2014-04-24 12:13:44 UTC
Post by D***@yahoo.com
Since people want to know...
I got banned on his group because I disagreed with a comment he made so he got ban happy and banned me!
I just think the guy is a class A jerk and on some kind of power trip and he needs to be knocked down a few notches. NOBODY needs his site to go to theme parks or plan trips with other folks, sorry Robb but if that's what you thin you are seriously in sick denial there buddy!
I was warned about you before I joined your site and blew off people who complained about you assuming that they must have done something pretty bad to be treated like shit by you but then after what you did to me...banning me simply because I disagreed with a comment you made about Six Flags America...well that just changed my opinion about you instantly!
For the record I'm not mad because I got banned, who the fuck cares really? His banning me has no impact on what I do in my life nor will it ever, he just likes to think that it will because of his excessive power trip that he constantly needs to feel important in his life...because every other aspect of his life sucks!
Rastus is my hero:) He calls bitches out on here and isn't afraid to do so. More people should be like him. Once the parks start to find out information about Robb they will be cutting him like a hot knife through butter...
Naw, it's not me smurfing as someone else. It would be interesting to see the exact text he posted with the world "terrible" in it. That's the thing with message boards, you can say something, the meaning gets twisted, and then an admin is pushing the ban button. And this guy didn't even post it on TPR, he posted it on FB, a completely different forum. So Robb is basically trying to control people everywhere they post, and people are saying FU. His only resort is to push the ban button on TPR, and his YouTube channel. And just to let everyone know, you can surf TPR by using your phone, taking it out of wireless mode.

FB is bad, I'm not on it. Well, actually I am under a smurf name of Jim Smith that has no personal info. I only use that to post comments in news articles. I tell everyone to de-activate, don't use twatter, or LinkedIn. Nothing good comes from FB and they spread all your personal info across the internet. When people call them on this, they say, "Opps, we didn't mean that." Or they say, "You can change your privacy settings." Right. Over the years, I've tried to reduce my presence on google, by taking my name of my web pages. For example, if you google the name "Robert Viands" you'll find my web site is 5th down the list. On other search engines, it barely shows up. Having a FB page is great when things are going well, but once someone gets pissed off, they'll attempt to "next" you. They could call your boss in an attempt to get you fired. No FB for Me.

Someone other dude has a FB page with the name of Robert Viands, and now he comes up in the searches, good for him. He can have all the attention and fame that comes with having a FB page.
2014-04-24 13:12:40 UTC
I'm going to throw my .02 in. Now that I'm banned, I have absolutely nothing to hide. Here's a little back story:

I joined that site in 2005 and had been very active since. Last year I had met some friends, people Robb didn't care for. We *were* friends on Facebook but seeing my interactions with people, he unfriended me (really, it's no loss).

Come Novembrr, the IAAPA video was posted. He asked for feedback of his new format and many including myself respectfully critiqued it when he blew up at many users. He just couldn't take the criticism like an adult when he was the one who asked for our thoughts. I immediately decided that it's time to stop.

Fast forward to today: I finally got banned (and IP banned to boot) from his site. Ironically enough, though I'm banned (I couldn't even be told why I was banned, just got some lame answer like "I'm sure you know why you were banned followed by blocking me) they still like to mooch off of photos I uploaded. I got suckered into their TOS, which strips you of your rights over your photos. Lesson learned here guys, watch who you submit content to.

I've never been one for confrontation and kept my thoughts to myself but when stupid things like this happen, it's time to raise some red flags. So yea, that's my story. Sad how just a few people can ruin an entire community.
2014-04-25 20:11:55 UTC
Post by D***@yahoo.com
Since people want to know...
I got banned on his group because I disagreed with a comment he made so he got ban happy and banned me!
I just think the guy is a class A jerk and on some kind of power trip and he needs to be knocked down a few notches. NOBODY needs his site to go to theme parks or plan trips with other folks, sorry Robb but if that's what you thin you are seriously in sick denial there buddy!
I was warned about you before I joined your site and blew off people who complained about you assuming that they must have done something pretty bad to be treated like shit by you but then after what you did to me...banning me simply because I disagreed with a comment you made about Six Flags America...well that just changed my opinion about you instantly!
For the record I'm not mad because I got banned, who the fuck cares really? His banning me has no impact on what I do in my life nor will it ever, he just likes to think that it will because of his excessive power trip that he constantly needs to feel important in his life...because every other aspect of his life sucks!
Rastus is my hero:) He calls bitches out on here and isn't afraid to do so. More people should be like him. Once the parks start to find out information about Robb they will be cutting him like a hot knife through butter...
Yeah, me too. Don't delete any posts. I've learned to step away from the keyboard once I get buzzed. No more drunken rants from me.

Wonder if Robb was buzzed when he posted that comment about the Firechaser video?
2014-04-26 13:08:24 UTC
I doubt he deleted all his posts because he suddenly got a conscience and was embarrassed...

he spent HOURS deleting his presence here, and did so while on vacation in Japan.


Even Elissa mentioned that she was glad the Hawker poll deadline got extended because she didn't want to spend time on that poll while on vacay... and you know how religiously they treat that poll.

No, he wasn't (and isn't) embarrassed. Some kind of shit went down, and went down pretty hard. That ship is sinking. I wonder where the rats will go when it finally finishes capsizing?
2014-04-28 15:23:49 UTC
On Saturday, April 26, 2014 9:08:24 AM UTC-4, TC10K wrote:
I wonder where the rats will go when it finally finishes capsizing?

Probably Coaster Crew, they're just about as bad.. all about the $ and zero about respecting people
2017-08-25 12:27:59 UTC
Post by D***@yahoo.com
Since people want to know...
I got banned on his group because I disagreed with a comment he made so he got ban happy and banned me!
I just think the guy is a class A jerk and on some kind of power trip and he needs to be knocked down a few notches. NOBODY needs his site to go to theme parks or plan trips with other folks, sorry Robb but if that's what you thin you are seriously in sick denial there buddy!
I was warned about you before I joined your site and blew off people who complained about you assuming that they must have done something pretty bad to be treated like shit by you but then after what you did to me...banning me simply because I disagreed with a comment you made about Six Flags America...well that just changed my opinion about you instantly!
For the record I'm not mad because I got banned, who the fuck cares really? His banning me has no impact on what I do in my life nor will it ever, he just likes to think that it will because of his excessive power trip that he constantly needs to feel important in his life...because every other aspect of his life sucks!
Rastus is my hero:) He calls bitches out on here and isn't afraid to do so. More people should be like him. Once the parks start to find out information about Robb they will be cutting him like a hot knife through butter...
I was on his Facebook page this morning and he told this one dude to f*** off because he didn't like that Knoebels added a double helix to Twister. He can't take criticism.
2019-05-06 04:17:14 UTC
Post by D***@yahoo.com
Since people want to know...
I got banned on his group because I disagreed with a comment he made so he got ban happy and banned me!
I just think the guy is a class A jerk and on some kind of power trip and he needs to be knocked down a few notches. NOBODY needs his site to go to theme parks or plan trips with other folks, sorry Robb but if that's what you thin you are seriously in sick denial there buddy!
I was warned about you before I joined your site and blew off people who complained about you assuming that they must have done something pretty bad to be treated like shit by you but then after what you did to me...banning me simply because I disagreed with a comment you made about Six Flags America...well that just changed my opinion about you instantly!
For the record I'm not mad because I got banned, who the fuck cares really? His banning me has no impact on what I do in my life nor will it ever, he just likes to think that it will because of his excessive power trip that he constantly needs to feel important in his life...because every other aspect of his life sucks!
Rastus is my hero:) He calls bitches out on here and isn't afraid to do so. More people should be like him. Once the parks start to find out information about Robb they will be cutting him like a hot knife through butter...
WTF was going on in here!!!!
2019-05-09 23:43:19 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by D***@yahoo.com
Since people want to know...
I got banned on his group because I disagreed with a comment he made so he got ban happy and banned me!
I just think the guy is a class A jerk and on some kind of power trip and he needs to be knocked down a few notches. NOBODY needs his site to go to theme parks or plan trips with other folks, sorry Robb but if that's what you thin you are seriously in sick denial there buddy!
I was warned about you before I joined your site and blew off people who complained about you assuming that they must have done something pretty bad to be treated like shit by you but then after what you did to me...banning me simply because I disagreed with a comment you made about Six Flags America...well that just changed my opinion about you instantly!
For the record I'm not mad because I got banned, who the fuck cares really? His banning me has no impact on what I do in my life nor will it ever, he just likes to think that it will because of his excessive power trip that he constantly needs to feel important in his life...because every other aspect of his life sucks!
Rastus is my hero:) He calls bitches out on here and isn't afraid to do so. More people should be like him. Once the parks start to find out information about Robb they will be cutting him like a hot knife through butter...
WTF was going on in here!!!!
Robb Alvey, over the years, kicked dozens, if not hundreds, of coaster enthusiasts off his site for crazy stupid or non-existent reasons. At some point he wnt through and deleted ALL of his RRC posts going back 15 years. He didn't want a record of all he crap he had posted, and things he had said, over the years. Some were REALLY bad, especially in the eyes of the amusement parks. Some of those posts seriously hurt his reputation etc..

2019-05-10 01:13:54 UTC
I never joined his page just based on his rude behavior on this forum (usually not to me directly). I remember he apparently banned people for abbreviating New Texas Giant as NTG instead of his preferred acronym NTAG (which made no sense).
2019-05-15 17:14:29 UTC
Post by s***@aol.com
I never joined his page just based on his rude behavior on this forum (usually not to me directly). I remember he apparently banned people for abbreviating New Texas Giant as NTG instead of his preferred acronym NTAG (which made no sense).
It's funny going back and seeing the past. This goes all the way back to 2014, a shaky POV of Firechaser Express of all things. Robb said some bad things about the POV, then deleted his entire RRC when people here called him on it.

Here's that thread.

I used to lurk his board getting construction updates about new rides. Now I don't even bother. This hobby or activity (Travel) doesn't move fast enough to stay that involved in. If you're one of the YouTube bloggers making videos every week, then it's like a job and they are busy. I'm subscribed to a bunch of YouTube channels and that's how I stay up to date, along with Screamscape.